Chapter 18

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October 30, 1208

The Charatian Military High Command was currently panicking as the Qotans were scoring victory upon victory in the East while the Billians continued to push steadily South. Although recently Several Charatian Defensive Regiments were making progress in holding the League despite the fall of the Kielfried Line a few days ago. Using a combination of Ambushes and Counterattacks which are worsening as Qotan Air Force B-17 Bombers were beginning to pound the industrial and production areas of the country with increasing violence and riots occurring in the major cities of the country.

"Mr. President I t-think we should surrender."

A man said in a frantic voice, showing that all hope was lost.

'The nerve of this man!'

The President of the Federation thought angered at his suggestion. If he suggested this earlier he would had have this man dragged by the CSS but he could not blame him most of their production capacity was being destroyed nearly overnight as Charatian Aerius-15 anti-aircraft guns, even with the appearance of the new Aerius-21 SPAAs.

It seemed that the End of the Federation was inevitable.

But then again, they still had several Charatian Divisions worth of ASTs ready for orders with new weaponry ready at their disposal. It seemed that an offensive could still be launched to enforce much better peace terms since he doubt that the Billians and their allies would be lenient in punishing the Charatians and their TA allies.

So with eyes shining with determination, he finally gave his orders.

"Have the ASTs ready for Operation Casovious. Also make sure to let the Charatian Chemical Division know that the usage of Chemical weapons, specifically
MG-263 is approved against either Qotan Industrial or Military targets."

"The ASTs, better known as the Armored  Shock Troops were the elite Troops of the federation during that era. They were mostly made up of highly trained soldiers gathered from the Charatian Armed forces."

- Andrew Ptilious, Writer of "Charatia's  Last Stand."

He knew that the stakes weren't going in his favor but he knew that they could possibly stabilize the front and give his forces time to reorganize and rebuild. Another topic was his approval of the usage of Chemical weapons in the Republic of Qota. Which tugged at his conscience since despite being a dictator, he wasn't completely evil and he was still human. But he needed to do what was necessary for the future of his people.

Khenarius Islands, Fort HellBin

"One of the less discussed fronts during the Continental War was the Island Hopping Operation landed on the islands off the Charatian Coast, which was critical in securing a safe route for supply routes for Qotan Supply ships heading to the Republic of Radellia as they were currently fighting off an invasion from the Pletarians during the war."
- Clerius- A Radellian Historian

The Khenarious Islands were a cluster of large islands located off the Charatian Coast. Which were occupied by the Charatian for nearly 60 Decades. The islands were only recently fortified and finished about 4 months ago before the war.

Currently, things were quite peaceful for such tropical islands. At least what Private Rhilaqius thought. Recently he had heard the news from the mainland that they were facing 
an invasion from the Qotans and Billians but their orders were surprising to hold these islands despite the urgent need for soldiers to fight off the Qotan Republic's invasion.

Then they came from.

"Fuck! Ready the Naval Artillery! There's an entire Qotan fleet."

A Charatian Office said in Shock. As he looked at the fleet through the binoculars. They were currently in a Bunker from the Mountains which overlooked the gulf.

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