Epilogue-Speed up

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I looked at the doctor.

"On the next one, you push, alright?" I nodded and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Goddamit Harry!" I gasped out. Its been at least three weeks since Louis was in ICU and I was in premature labor. The stress in the situation lead to a faster delivery.

"Push Gabby!" The doctor screamed. I pushed before gasping out in relief when I heard the baby cry. Harry squeezed my hand before joining the doctor to cut the cord. As soon as the nurses rushed the baby away, I was reminded of the next baby.

"And push!" I screamed just as Niall stepped in at the wrong time.

"Gab-" he said before fainting. I heard another cry before the nurses rushed to get the baby and Niall.

"You did good babe," Harry whispered. I knodded and slowly felt my eyes droop.

"Rest," he said before I felt my vision go black. I don't remember what happened the next moments but I remember waking to find one of the babies wrapped up in pink.

"Mommy's sleeping right now, Lily. She's beautiful, just wait until you meet her," Harry murmured to the baby. I heard a little groaning from the baby before shifting my vision to the right of me to see Zayn with a blue bundle.

"Christopher Louis Styles aye? Well, your momma has a choice of names for you baby. You know, she almost didn't make it. The stress. But, I won't let you worry now. I'm uncle Zayn... you're gonna have to fight boys to not date the goregous Lily Marie over there," he murmured. Christopher smiled at Zayn as the doctor walked in.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. How's momma doing?" He started to write in his clipboard before Zayn and Harry showed me the twins. Harry had tears in his eyes as he presented Lily Marie into my arms.

"This is Mumma." He handed the pink little bundle into my arms before smiling and kissing me. I gasped out a sob before Zayn handed me Christopher.

"Meet Mr. Troublemaker." He smiled and I could almost flood the room

Christopher Louis Styles and Lily Marie Styles.

-2years later-

I chased around our little twins for the seventh time.

"Lily Marie! Baby, it's time for a bath!" I pleaded to the two year old. Since the delivery, the twins were healthy but under constant care. They could grow normal as any baby, but had to watch a lot of what they did. Harry splashed Christopher before laughing and try to make Christopher say mercy. Harry was such a huge baby.

"Gotcha!" I set Lily down into her tub before looking at Harry for help.

"Alright Lily, no play time if you dont take a bath," he said before pulling Christopher out and handing him to me.

"Get him ready or Louis would kill us for being late to his wedding." He scrubbed Lily's face and body. I rushed and dressed Christopher into his tuxedo before heading into my room yet again as I patted my pregnant belly again.

"Momma tired?" Christopher asked. I shook my head no before sitting. I looked at the pictures around our room as I thought of the drama and drama and more drama and how we came outmout married and happy with two kids, onto three. It was just short and I wouldn't change it for the world

"Babe! Lily's ready!" I quickly grabbed the dress I had out for her and dressed her as Harry looked for his shoes. I quickly handed him his shoes and piled us into his car.

"Camera, phone, money?" Harry asked. I nodded my head as he parked. We shuffled into the chapel as Louis said I do. I couldn't help but beem at my Louis bear. He was so grown as were all the boys. Harry the most. After I saw Louis in the bed, I cried and grew greatly depressed. I was in such stress that I ended up having the babies premature. Harry deleted the flirts from his phone and stepped up being a father. I couldn't help but think about everything until I looked at Elizabeth and Niall. Niall held his boy proudly in his lap as Elizabeth smiled. They ensded up being together after all as did Natalia and Zayn. Liam and Danielle werr happier than ever with their three babies. He looked at me and winked as I wasnt too far along to join. My brother ended up marrying his highschool sweetheart. I saw him holding his five year old daughter and his wife. Jesse was off at war, returning to military duty. I was more proud of him since he and Jacob were the only family I had. We walked to the reception before we all joined Louis and Eleanor.

"Awww guys, I haven't seen us this together since the incident." We all laughed as we placed the kids together. Eleanor nodded as did Danielle.

"God, I'll miss you guys," Louis mumbled.

"We're only thirty minutes away Louis," I said, patting his back. He smiled as I grabbed Harry's hand.

"Cheers!" We laughed before dancing out.

I was just a kid when I first started. The drama, the people judgements, and the fun. In the end though, it was all worth it.

The end!

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