Chapter 12.

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I looked up at the time and checked my phone again, reading ten missed calls and ten voicemails. I had over fifty messages and seven emails. I wasn’t responding to Harry on purpose, I just had a lot to think about and didn’t want him to interrupt me.

“Gabby, your brother’s calling you up now.” Jesse told me, gently tugging me up from my frozen seat. It’s been at least two days and almost everyday he’s been blowing up my phone at the exact same time with the exact amount of messages everyday. I didn’t text back any of the guys and I wanted to keep my distance from them for awhile. It didn’t help that I knew he was back to finished what he started. Jacob had no clue what was going on between me and Harry, but he did know that he was back and my brother was more nervous everyday. We went up to the elevators and pressed the floor number my brother was on. We rode in silence to his room.

“Are you ever gonna answer his damn calls?” Jesse mumbled as he answered Louis’ call. I shook my head slightly when he raised his eyebrows, asking me if I wanted to pass him the phone in the few words he provided. He flipped his phone open and answered Louis’ fifteenth call of the day.

“Hello?” He answered, sighing.

Silence as he heard Louis talking.

“No Lou, she’s sleeping.” He lied to Louis with ease. There was more silence and I could hear Louis screaming. Jesse picked at his nails and heard Louis rant. The bell dinged and he signaled me to walk ahead. I walked and waved to the nurse coming out of Jacob’s room. She mouthed that Jacob was on the phone and I nodded, stepping though the doorway into his room. I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

“Harry, breathe.” He said. I froze and stared at the distance.

“Harry why don’t you give her some space? You both look like shit and to be honest, I’m tired of you and Louis constantly calling me and asking me how she is. I want to relax and get better and maybe you shouldn’t have yelled at her. She is my little sister after all. You’re in the wrong Harry and we all know that it’s hard to relax but come on man, it’s only three months into the pregnancy and to be honest… you have been treating her like shit. We all think Louis’ the baby daddy.” He chuckled and I smiled, shaking my head and slowly sitting down. I heard Harry screaming and Jacob’s smirk come to play.

“Harry, you’re not the only one affected by him coming back, okay? And sure, you may know a snip it of what happened between him and her, but you haven’t seen it. The little stress you have isn’t as big as her worries have to be.” I looked at Jacob’s jaw tense. He sighed and hung up the phone. He started to rub his temples and squeezed his eyes shut.

“I guess you and Jesse have been getting check up calls?” I asked, raising my eyebrow at my brother’s frustration. He nodded.

“They don’t stop. First, it’s Niall and then it Zayn. It’s driving me crazy! Then Liam reminds me of all your appointments to tell you about and what foods you’re suppose to eat like I don’t know!” Jacob exclaimed. He winced when he threw his hands up in exasperation. I shook my head as I remembered Liam drive me to most of my appointments with Harry in the backseat like a foul just playing with his iPhone and making stupid noises when he drove in Mario Cart. I smiled and then frowned when I remembered our fight.

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