Chapter Five

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I rushes into the hospital, my heart pounding in my ears. I looked around and saw the receptionist.

"Where is he?!" I shouted at her. She looked at me, her face blank.

"Who?" She asked, not glancing up from the computer.

"Look, we need to see my brother, if I don't see him, you'll wish you never met this pregnant woman in your life." I hissed at the reception. She glanced at me and fear flashed through her eyes.

"He's in room 203, third floor." She whispered. I nodded my head and sped off to the elevator. Zayn panted and leaned against the wall of the elevator. I fiddled my fingers nervously. I haven't been to the hospital in a long time, especially if it was about Jacob. I thought back to sixth grade. My aunt's face was pale as she got off the phone. She told me Jacob was in the hospital. I don't remember ever screaming so much in my life.

"Babe, come on." Zayn gently pushed me inside. I stared at the elevator doors, feeling completely numb. What if he was already gone? What if I was too late?

"No Gaby. I know you, don't think like that. Maybe he got the flu or he fainted. Maybe it was something minor."


"Gabrielle. It's fine. Breathe." Zayn said. I felt my stomach flutter and I placed a hand on my stomach and stepped out as the elevator dinged. Jacob was a fighter, always making sure he was alright but I was still scared. Zayn took my hand and walked us down the hall to the room. My breathing hitched. What if he was injured badly and I couldn't recognize him? What if he doesn't remember me? What if he became amputated? I looked at Zayn and he smiled at me. My heart pounded in my chest as I thought about my doubts. I felt my hands shake slightly as I reached for the handle. I looked back at Zayn and he nodded, reassuring me. I took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"Wait! Wait! I'm here!" I heard Harry scream. I turned around as he grabbed my waist, panting.

"I'm here babe. I'm here." He crouched down and breathed. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Haz." I said. He stood up and placed a hand on his stomach.

"I (pant) couldn't (pant) let you (pant pant) go through this (pant) alone." He smiled. I nodded my head and, again, tried to go in his room. I turned the handle of the door and opened the heavy wood door. I stepped in slowly as I heard the heart monitor beeping at a normal pace. I looked ahead of me and saw Jacob.

"J?" I asked quietly. He looked at me. My breath caught. His eyes were swollen and he had bruises on his cheeks. His leg was a little lump under the thin covers of the hospital. His arm had three little tubes and his shoulder was patted and wrapped. His grey eyes still held my gaze through swollen slits. I felt tears swell in my eyes. I swallowed to push the lump down my throat. My heart raced and my hands shook a little.

"What happened?" I croaked. He took a breath and immediately regretted it as I notice pain shoot through his body.

"It... he's back."

I felt the room spin and heard the door opening again.

"Hey Jacob, the nurse is on her way." That familar voice rang in my ears. I looked at the doorway, squeezing Harry's hand.


"Jesse." I croaked. His hair was longer since the last time I've seen him. His hair was pushed to the side, now a honey blonde. His green eyes stared deeply into mine, almost questioning. He was a bit built, but not buff. His tight white shirt showed his pecks and his dark wash jeans fit.

"It's been a long time." He said. I nodded, agreeing to his statement. It's been a long time. I haven't seen him since the accident. Being romantically involved with him didn't help make this awkward situation any better. Harry cleared his throat as I stared at the floor.

"I'll leave you all to catch up. Excuse me." He mumbled as he let go of my hand and walked out of the room. The room fell pin silent and I heard the door click shut. I looked back at Jacob and he smiled slyly.

"Why'd you ask him to come, Jacob?!" I hissed at my brother. He sighed and his face crossed with pain.

"He was my last option." He murmured. I looked at Jesse. He crossed his arms and smirked down at me.

"Harry, huh?" He asked.

"That's none of your business." I snapped at him, blushing. He stepped towards me, reaching his hand out and traced my cheek.

"We were so in love, Bella. Did you forget that?" He mumbled. I turned my head away from his touch and glared at him.

"I'm pregnant. I already have enough to worry about, so I'd appreciate it if I don't have to worry about you hitting on me." I snapped at him. He smirked.

"You could leave him." He said. I slapped him.

"No." I turned towards Jacob.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I felt the tears in my eyes as I walked out of the room. Harry came up t me.

"Hey hey. Don't cry. It's alright." He said as he brought me closer to his chest. I shook my head.

"He's such an asshole!" I snapped, gesturing to the door. He shushed me and gently rubbed my back.

"It's alright, gorgeous. Nothing's gonna happen." He murmured. He gently walked us to his car. I looked outside and saw the guys sitting on the bench. They all stood up and scrambled at me.

"Is he alright?" Louis asked. I nodded.

"You guy's can go see him, I just want to go home." I said, softly. The boys nodded and pecked my cheek as they walked by. Harry and I walked to his car and stepped in. We drove the way home in silence.



Noone was expecting that! (;

Who's this Jesse guy? He sounds hooottt but i gots my man (; lol

ONE comment for another chapter beautifuls (:

Thanks again to yourcool17 for always commenting.<3

Teaser: Who said to ever leave Gabrielle alone in the house? And why did Jesse really come back :o

Until next time (: toodles <3

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