Chapter Three

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Hey guuuys (:

Here's chapter three (: <3

Enjooy :D


"So, why are we here again?" Harry asked me as I grabbed a shopping cart. I smiled and walked into the grocery store.

"Because we promised Louis we'd pick up groceries before we go to the doctor's office." I said, glancing at the doritos. I grabbed three bags and placed them in. I looked at the list he gave me. My stomach was a little bulge and it was slightly unnoticed if I wore baggy shirts. I looked at Harry trying to sneak in some cheetos.

"No babe." I said. He pouted and wrapped his arms around my waist. I shook my head and continued walking down the aisle.

"Come on babe, you know you want some.' He teased. I just laughed. He started putting random things in the cart, he slipped in some water balloons, a can of yams, and a bag of nachos. I took them all out as he put more things in.

"Babe, come on! I wanted those things." He whined. I smirked and put in chicken, a bag of carrots, and peas.

"Babe, until you do your own laundry, wash your own clothes, and maybe your own cooking, then you may feel free to add to the cart." I reminded him. He pouted and I pecked his adorable pout. He grabbed the cart from behind me and I glanced at his, yet again, untied converse.

"Gabrielle, we're stopping by the baby store." He said, he steered us to the dairy section. I looked up at him and groaned.

"Why? It's not even time yet." I grumbled. He went to pickup three gallons of milk.

"We still have to pick things out babe." He reminded me, as he placed them in the cart.

"But, I don't want to go, I feel awkward." I blushed. He kissed my cheek and steered us to the cashier. I laughed as I saw the lady almost scream when she saw Harry Stylesplacing groceries at her aisle. I laughed when she rang them up and let him take it for free. As we walked to the car he took the keys and ran to the front to drive.

"Babe, no." I said, loading the groceries in the car. He smiled and started the car.

"Harry Styles, get out the car." I said. He locked his door and shook his head. I sighed and climbed into the passenger side.

"Where to babe?" He asked. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Amor, we have to go to the doctor's office remember?" I reminded him. He nodded his head and we drove to the doctor's office. I couldn't help but look at him and his cute dimples. He turned on the radio and started singing Bed by J. Holiday. I laughed and stared at him. His curly hair was tamed today. He was wearing a sweatshirt with dark washed jeans. He had purple converse and was driving while holding my hand. I thought back to when I met all of One Direction and I giggled.

"What's funny babe? My horrible singing?" He laughed. Cocky.

"No, just remembering when I met you all made me laugh." I said. He brushed the back of his hand against my cheek. I smiled and kissed his hand.

We got to the doctor's office and we waited. I kept picking at my thumbs and he placed a hand gently over them.

"Calm down." He said and kissed me.

"Okay..." I breathed out. He smiled and our names were called. I was put into the same process and the doctor walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Styles and Ms. Perez, my name is Dr. Valdez." She opened my file as I sat next to Harry.

"I hear you're pregnant, congratulations." She said and wrote some stuff down.

"How long have you guys been together?" She asked.

"Two years and 5 months." Harry smiled. I smiled and looked at the white wall ahead of me.

"Very well. Ms. Perez, it says you're one month pregnant, have you had any complications or stress?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Very well." Come back in two months for another appointment." She said goodbye and we left.

"Where to now?" I asked Harry. He smiled.

"Baby store."


And I'm leaving it there.

This chapter was actually a filler for what i have planned (;

Same as before, two comments :D

mine don't count.

Until next time <3

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