Chapter One.

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Hello everyone (: yes, I'm uploading.

So, yeah...


I stared at the mirror.

I can do this, I whispered to myself. I glanced at my shaky hands and looked at the time. Three forty-seven. Okay, two more minutes. I looked at the sink until I heard rapid knocking at the door.

"Hey Bells, I'm going to the store. I'll be back in a bit." My brother, Jacob, said. I nodded my head until I realized he couldn't see me.

"Yeah!" It came out shaky, crap.

"Estas bien, Bell?" He asked.

Breathe. Deep breath in and out. I told myself.

"Yeah! Just excited to see him!" I lied. I was nervous, but I couldn't tell Jacob that. Our apartment was small enough already. I heard his footsteps fading as he walked away. I faintly heard the door close as I glanced at the sink. My heart race picked up and I clenched the sink. I picked up the phone and dialed, Louis.


"Blue." I said, faintly.

"Jelly Belly, what's wrong?" He said. I looked at the stick in the sink again and felt tears roll down my cheeks. I let out a shaky breath.

"Can you come get me, Lou?" I said, my voice shaky. I heard a door close and a slight panting.

"I'm on my way, Jelly Belly." He said and hung up. I grabbed the stick and looked at the sign, memorizing the little pink sign.

I should've seen it coming, the signs were all there. I thought back, thinking about the time I had to run out of the classroom, feeling sick. I clenched the stick in my hand and walked out the bathroom. I turned around me in the small little apartment my brother and I shared. The kitchen and living room all in one room. My room right across the hall from the bathroom. I looked at the couch my brother slept on. I felt more tears roll down my cheeks. I went into my room and grabbed my bag and slipped the test inside. I felt tight arms wrap around me before I turned around to leave.

"It's okay, Belly. We'll get through this." I heard Louis whisper in my hair. I turned to face him and held him tight. He held me back and gently pried away.

"Let's go, love." He mumbled. He held my hand and lead me out the door to his car. I slid in the passenger side of the car and strapped myself in.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked. I looked out the window.

"The boardwalk." I said. He started the car and drove us in silence. As we got there, I kept thinking of all the ways I could tell Louis. Louis was my bestfriend. We grew up together, always stood by me and picked the bullies away when I was teased. He always supported me and I always supported him. When I couldn't sleep, he'd sing to me. When my parents died, he slept over my house until I felt better. I couldn't thank him enough for what he helped me with. But if I told him, would he hate me for all the problems I could cause him? What if I ruin his success and they all break up? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Louis touched my hand.

"Come on Jelly Belly." He said. I followed him out the car, where the sent of sea water over took my senses. I looked at Louis and he grabbed my hand and walked us to the ice cream shop on the boardwalk. We walked to the nearest booth in the back.

"So tell me, Jelly Belly, you okay?" Louis asked. My heart sped up.

"Well, mentally... yes. Physically, no." I said. He looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Tell me, love." He said. I thought of his success. Should I tell him? It could kill his career...

"Gabrielle, tell me." He said, again. I hesitated.

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