Chapter Seven.

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We drove to the dinner. I looked at Harry and smiled as he gripped my hand.

"You ready, love?" He asked. I nodded. This was the first time we made the public announcement ourselves. Usually, Simon had it covered. Now, it's all up to us. I placed my hand at my belly and smiled as Harry opened my door and offered my hand.

"Let's go!" I smiled. He twined our fingers and immediately I was bombarded with the press.

"Gabrielle Over here!

"Hey! Is it true you're dating Louis and using Harry as a device?!"

"Is it true you're cheating on Harry with Liam?!"

"Is that baby even Harry's?!" One shouted. I whipped my head facing the lady.

"Yes! Of course this is his baby! I've only been with him and I'm not doubting the paternity!" I hissed at the reporter. Harry wrapped his arms around my shoulders and guided me inside. I looked for the boys and found them at my table. I plopped down and let out a sigh. Niall patted my knee.

"Gets better over time, love." He smiled at me. I nodded before turning to Harry. He kissed me and I followed suit. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"I saw you take a picture of me and Lou bear babe." He said. I smiled mischievously.

"Already on Facebook." He sighed and came close to my ear.

"I'm gonna get revenge babe." His breath tickled my ear and I shivered. He pulled away and I couldn't help but think about the revenge. I pulled out my phone from my bra when it vibrated.

To: Gab! O.O

From: Lizzyy :D

'Babe, you alright there?'

To:Lizzy :D

From: Gab! O.O

'Eh... not really. People were asking me the same questions just with the babe involved.' I texted. She looked at me and I shrugged, waving it off.

'Still wanna be here?' She asked. I looked at my phone and looked at all the boys, seeing them enjoy themselves. I shook my head. She put her phone away and I looked up at Harry.

"Everything alright?" He asked, concern filled his eyes.

"Yeah." I smiled and pecked his lips. He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously and I grinned knowing that look, game time. The waiters came and placed salads on everyone's plate. I smiled and looked at Harry. He gently rolled his cherry tomato on the floor and I squashed it. He smiled and I rolled off my carrot. He tried to squash it, but failed. 15 points ahead.

We continued rolling the things off our plate, the people around us oblivious to the game. I smiled and pumped my fist in victory when the waiter came to get our salads. I won Harry by twenty points. He groaned, already knowing what I wanted. He got up and walked to Louis, placing his hands on either side of his bestfriend's face. He looked at me again and I laughed.

"Lou-lou, i love you. I want you to spend forever with me. I'm admitting to your feelings." He said. Louis jumped up his chair and tackled him to the ground. I burst into hysterias as I watched Harry try to pry Louis off. Once he got Lou off, he glared at me and then smirked.

"You're gonna get it when we get home." He whispered. Before I could answer, Simon started speaking.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Simon Cowelle and I want to thank you all for coming out to support the boys on their success on the cd." Everyone clapped before he continued on.

"The boys have done a tremendous job on the X-Factor and I never doubted them. They always seem to surprise me. They always seem to take me one a huge roller coaster ride and I never regret any moment spent on that journey," Simon chocked up! The Simon choked up!" So, please welcome One Direction to the stage!" He said. Everyone hooped and hollarded at our men. I looked as pride slipped onto Simon's face. I looked and almost laughed when they pinched each other's butts. They posed for pictures before the rest of the event took place. They sat down and music started to play.

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