Chapter Eleven

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Elizabeth looked down at the paper and at my bulging stomach.

"Does this mean he's back?" She whispered. I shook my head. I didn't want to believe it. It was all too surreal and I didn't want to believe it. I wanted a happy and long pregnancy, not him back. I looked out the window and saw Harry run a hand through his curls as he talked to Zayn. Zayn drew a breath and blew out of the cigarette. Harry leaned against the banister and shook his head. I looked at Louis, he was on the kitchen counter making phone calls. I called Harry and showed him as soon as possible. At first I was thinking of hiding this from him but in the end, I told. I glanced up when I heard a sharp noise in my bedroom. I looked at Elizabeth and got up, checking on Niall. He had his blonde hair in fistfulls and was crying. I sat down next to him and patted my tummy.

"Why?" He croaked out after a few minutes of silence. I sighed and took his hands away from his face.

"It's okay Nialler. I'm fine." I reassured him. He shook his head and wept on me.

"But it's because you're gonna have to hide and we won't be able to see you." He sobbed out.

"I'll see you Nialler, of course I will." I croaked, reassuring the little broken Irish boy in front of me. I held him close to me and wiped his tears away. I stood up and grabbed his hand.

"Where we goin'?" He wiped tears away. I smiled and shook my head. I grabbed my sandals and purse. Elizabeth looked at us as we walked by. I just smiled and yanked the front door open and was met by curious stares of Harry and Zayn.

"Gabrielle, where are you going?" Harry sighed. I smiled and just walked off, shrugging that he called me Gabrielle. He never pronounced my full name.

"Gabrielle, you're not leaving!" He shouted and grabbed my arm. I turned to Harry and I instantly let go of Niall.

"Harry..." Niall started.

"I am leaving Harry. Niall and I need a break." I said, feeling his hold tighten.

"No you're not! You're incapable of taking care of yourself! Something can happen to you! Don't you think we're all tired of being your babysitter?!" He snapped. I froze and looked at him. His eyes widened and I shook my head. I pulled my arm out of his grasp and started walking to the car.

"Belle, wait. I didn't mean-"

"Don't you dare say it, Styles! You ment it! You fucking ment it! Don't you dare take back those words! You know what?! I can't believe you! We haven't spent anytime together because you're so busy doing other things than being with me! You create excuse after excuse and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of you taking your stress out on me! Everything revolves around Harry fucking Styles! Grow up Harry!" Tears streamed down my face as I shouted those word at Harry. He was being selfish and never listening. We were constantly arguing. What was the point? I didn't feel any love and butterflies or anything. I didn't want this anymore. I felt insecure and ugly. He deserved better... On top of it, I was throwing him in the mix of my dramatic past. He didn't need this. He glared at me.

"You sure about that?! Every time I come around I hear Gabrielle this, Gabrielle that and I'm sick of it! God, you're just dramatic and selfish and annoying!" He shouted.

"I hate you!" I shouted and hit his chest. I pounded my fists into his chest, tears raging out my cheeks. I never told him I hated him. Ever. Now, I wasn't sure. He was always making me look like I started it and I couldn't stand it. But at that moment I kept pounding my fists into his chest and I felt arms pull me away as he glared at me. I shrugged the arms away and wiped my tears away.

"I hate you! I. Hate. You." I shouted and climbed into the car. I turned on the car and saw the boys running towards me. I reveved the engine and drove off, not looking back.

--Harry's P.O.V.--

I glared at her and felt the urge to push her away, even tho she was pregnant. She was pulled back by Niall and Louis.

"I hate you! I. Hate. You." Her voice wavered and at that moment, I saw all the pain in her eyes. I looked at the ground and looked up to see the guys rushing to her car. She revived the engine and drove off. I stood there and stormed into the house. I pulled my curls and stared punching the wall. I sank to the ground and bawled into my hands.

"What did I do?" I moaned. I thought back at what she yelled at me. Of the moments I found out she was pregnant until now.

She was right.

I never spent any time with her. Always coming excuses with everything and on top of everything, we were being hunted or watched. I felt terrible. My heart was beating erratically and I swear, I could fainting feel a tear. I couldn't believe I blew that beautiful opportunity up with her. She deserves the world and I wasn't giving it to her. I felt someone clasp their hands on my shoulders and I looked up to see Louis.

"Yoi screwed up big time." He mumbled. I nodded and he helped me up.

"She's not coming to you this time, Hazza." He said. I nodded again, my voice couldn't function.

"Sleep." He said. I walked off to our room and sunk low into my bed, my nose filling with her vanilla scent. She was everywhere. Her laugh ran into my ears and her eyes were in my vision when I closed my eyes. I felt tears stream and I knew I had to make it up to her and get her back.

I couldn't live without her. And with that thought, I fell asleep, dreaming of another day.


D; OH NO!!

Trouble in paradise!!

I know you'll hate me for finishing them but it's for a good reason I swear I have a plan(:

Anyways, what do you think happens next? (;


anyways, as you all know I'm working on a story.

I needs a cover :// so if you'd love to make me one, my email is:

Send me them (: my book will be called Beautiful Monster

Summary: jayden west is pretty. She has 6 popular good looking brothers. All a pain in the arse. Over protective and controling. What they don't know is this pretty little lady plays boys hearts like they play girls. She doesn't care for any guy nor will she ever. Meet Aston Knight, her twins bestfriend. Sure, they noticed each other and her twins the only one who noticed her ways. What happens when her her bestfriend dares her to play Mr. Knight?

Throw two players together and you have a twisted game of hearts. As the game progresses, Jayden West starts to fall for the infamous player

Now she needs to find out if she's playing the game or speaking her mind and trusting her heart?

I know, I'm TERRIBLE at summaries but i hope this caught your interest(:

anyways, One comment for next one.

Sorry for the short chapter, but i SWEAR ON BOB THAT NEXT WILL BE LONGER:D

and don't hesitate to send me covers(:

Until next time.

Oh and I'm on my fone for you guys...

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