Chapter Four

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Hello my fellow cupcakes/ Directionators! :D

I'm uploading for two reasons!:D

1) MY MOM GOT ME A UNICORN PILLOW PET! :D i still love my ghetto pet, Bernie tho...

2) Someone added this to their library! :D

3) I got one dedicated fan who always comments, not dissing others, i swear.

So, this chapter is dedicated to MegMolina-corp for adding this to her library and yourcool17 for always commenting (:

Thanks so much! :D

this is for you girls (:


I planted my feet firmly on the ground.

"No way in hell." I told Harry. He shook his head and smiled at me, my breath caught in my throat. I looked at his beautiful green eyes and felt myself get lost in them.

"Come on, beautiful!" He said.

"Trying to be Zayn?" I smirked. He frowned.

"Nope, but come on! Just for a little babe." He begged. I shook my head and he smiled.

"Fine, I'll go by myself." He threatened.

"You wouldn't dare." I felt my eyes go into slits. He shrugged and bounced inside.

"Harold Styles!" I screamed. I crossed my arms and heard footsteps running towards the store. I turned and saw Niall, Zayn, and Louis.

"Guys!" I screamed. They halted at the door. They slowly turned to me and I smirked.

"What are you guys doing here?" I huffed. Louis shrugged and ran inside. Niall smiled wide and hugged me.

"Friends!" He said in a funny voice. I laughed and Zayn pecked my lips. I turned bright red. Niall smacked the backside of Zayn's head.

"Not now! Friends!" Niall pointed to the store. Niall ran the rest of the way in and Zayn was right at his tail. I laughed and then waited a few minutes. I heard screaming and saw their fans. I turned and ran into the store.

'Fucking Harry' i thought to myself. I frantically searched for the boys and found them sitting down, playing with cars.

"Guys! You're fans are here! How'd they even know?!" I shouted. Harry opened his mouth to reply but was interupted by screaming. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I was thrown over Louis' shoulder. He put on hand in front of him and ran. I laughed as I looked at Zayn running with his tongue out. I looked at Harry and almost peed. He was running with his legs spread out and like he was gonna tackle someone. Then my stomach started hurting as I looked at Niall. He was running with one hand in the air, screaming"For Narnia!"

"Lou-Lou! Can't. Breathe." I laughed as he set me down. He smiled and placed me in Zayn's car. I turned to see Zayn grab Niall as his arms spread out at the crowd. I doubled over in laughter. Harry came to my window and placed a hand on my back.

"You alright babe?" He smiled, a twinkle in his eye. I nodded my head and wiped the tears from my eyes and looked at his eyes again. His beautiful green eyes... he cupped my face and kissed me gently. I kissed him back and tangled my hair into his curly hair. He licked my bottom lip gently and I heard someone clear their throat.

"We gotta go, Harry." Zayn said, shoving Niall in the backseat. I sighed and Louis pulled on Harry's arm, guiding him to the van. I sat there a little confused.

"Wait, why am I with you amor?" I asked Zayn. He smiled.

"Liam wants to see you." He started the car. I heard Niall whimper in the back seat. I turned to see him rolling down his window.

"Bye friends!" He screamed at his fans. They screamed and a fan grabbed his hand.

"My love!" He clenched his heart.


"Yeah?" He asked me.

"DRIVE!" I screamed. Zayn pressed his foot on the gas and Niall fell forward. I laughed. There were some weird things people couldn't understand between me and the boys. Every boy has pecked my lips, and I didn't care. I've been there through their heart breaks and there to fix them. They all were there when Harry and I started dating. I remembered how many times they thought I was cheating on Harry because they snapped pictures of the boys pecking my lips. I always laughed but only two did it now, Zayn and Louis. Zayn shook my shoulder gently, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Come on babe." He said. I saw Liam leaning against the door as I stepped out of Zayn's car.

"Li!" I ran into his arm and he caught me.

"Hey baby girl." He smiled and lead me inside. I sat on the couch and placed my feet on Liam's lap once he sat down.

"How was your doctor's appointment?" He asked. I sighed and smiled.

"It was alright." I smiled. I turned towards the door and saw Niall slump into the room. He fell onto the floor and groaned. Zayn sighed and stretched, raising his arms above his head. Niall groaned again.

"What's wrong with him?" Liam asked. Zayn shook his head.

"Don't ask." He grumbled. Liam raised his eyebrows and checked his phone.

"Uhh, guys..." He trailed off. I looked at Liam.

"Yeah? What happened Li?" I asked, removing my feet and kneeling towards him. He looked at me. Zayn walked over and looked over Liam's shoulder. He looked at me too.

"Niall, get your arse over here and look at this!" Zayn barked. Niall grumbled and got up.

"Look at- oi!" He looked at me. I looked at all their eyes.

"What?" I asked, confused. They looked at each other then at me.

"Guys, just show me." I growled. Liam hesitated. I snatched up the phone and looked at it. My hands started to tremble and my eyes watered.

"I need to, I have to." I threw the phone and almost ran to the door. I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"It's okay babe." I slumped down and cried, the message clear as day, still ringing in my head.

'Li... Jacob's in the hospital.'

"We have to go to him!" I screamed. Zayn stood up and walked us to his car. I couldn't stop crying and touched my stomach.

"Zayn! Faster! Please! I need to see him!" I shouted. Zayn drove faster and made it to the hospital in a nick of time.



Jacob's in the hospital! :o

What do you think happened? Hmm...

Well, i have to say, since there are no two comments, I'm gonna go down and say one comment and if another person adds this to their library, I'll:

-Upload earlier instead of Monday.

-give you and any story a shout out on my other stories and profile

-I'll love you forever (:

That's only if someone adds this to their library and if I get one comment.

until next time.

oh, i know there's a bunch of you who read but please please please comment.

okay, that's it.


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