Chapter Eight

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I woke up with the bed empty. Today would mark the official day I made two months pregnant. I looked down at my belly. Why in the hell was I so big? I shrugged and looked for Sophia and Harry. I heard giggling and giggling in the kitchen and I followed it. I saw Harry tickling Sophia on her tummy and making faces. I smiled and leaned against the door frame. I heard more footsteps and looked behind me. Cayden had a towel wrapped around his waist and was whistling. He brushed past me.

" 'Mornin babe." He opened the fridge and scanned the contents inside. Harry turned to me and winked.

"Just love watching me, don't you?" He said. I blushed and shook my head. He gave Sophia to Cayden and walked over to me. He titled my head up gently and pressed his lips to mine. I gasped and kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. We both laughed and looked at my stomach.

"Well, guess little guy wants to join too." He said. I just laughed, loving this moment. He always made it feel so nice. He walked to the fridge with Cayden he pushed Cayden out of the way and grabbed things to make breakfast. I went to Sophia and sat her on my lap. I cooed at her as Harry made breakfast.

"Cay, clothes." I told him, not looking away from Sophia.

"What? Why?" He asked. I heard my knob turn and running feet.

"GABRIELLE! Guess what just- aahh!" I heard Elizabeth bump into Cayden. I looked over and saw Elizabeth on top of Cayden while Cayden's towel was slightly lower. Elizabeth blushed red and tried looking anywhere else.

"CAYDEN! Why don't you ever have clothes on?!" Elizabeth scolded Cayden. I laughed at my friends and turned to Harry.

"Don't look at me, love. I wear clothes... I just prefer being nude." He said, tossing something into the pan.

"I wasn't blaming babe. I was stating a simple fact." I winked and saw Cayden jog into my room and Elizabeth sitting on the floor, awkwardly. I heard more walking and bickering. I smiled and saw Zayn and Liam walk in.

"Liz, why are you on the floor?" Zayn asked. She blushed.

"Cay." Was all she needed to say for them to nod.

"Li, here's your baby." I said, handing Sophia over. He smiled and grabbed her. I walked over to Harry and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hey gorgeous." He said. I smiled and kissed his neck.

"Hey handsome."

"How'd you sleep?" He asked. I kissed his neck and breathed his colone.

"Perfect. You were there." I said, truthfully. And it was true. I couldn't have a single nightmare knowing Harry was right there by my side. I felt protected and secure. I knew the world couldn't get me in his arms and I was extremely grateful. I didn't know what I'd do without him, especially since I knew he was back.

"That's good to hear babe. Today we're gonna take an us day." He said. I sighed.

"Girl's day with Elizabeth and guys day with you and the guys?" I asked. He nodded.

"You need a stress reliever babe. Get away from Jesse and your brother. Just relax." He said. He stepped back and gave me a plate of French toast. I smiled and sat at the table with my plate. Soon, everyone followed and we ate and got ready for our day. When we finished, everyone stood up and walked out except Elizabeth and Cayden. The boys gave me a kiss and walked out. I sighed and Elizabeth helped me up.

"What should we do?" She asked. I looked at Cayden and he shrugged.

"I say this calls for a park day." I tell them. I smiled as I thought about the swings. They each shrugged and I went to my room to get ready. I pulled out some short and Harry's Ramones t-shirt. I slipped those on and slipped on some black sandals. I put my wavy hair in a ponytail and walked out to Elizabeth and Cayden. We headed out to Cayden's Camero.

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