Chapter Ten.

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"Do you think she's awake?" I stirred and groaned. I heard giggling and feet shuffling.  

"Does it look like I want to die?! What if she's on her period?" I heard Niall hiss. 

"Actually, I don't get periods but thanks Nialler." I mumbled into Nathan who was dead asleep on my side. Everyone gasped and ran to my side. I groaned and shifted more to make Louis comfortable since he started sitting on my bed.  

"Lou! Get off!" Zayn instructed, grabbing Louis and throwing him off the bed. I lifted my hand to scratch my head and noticed there was no Iv.  

"Am I getting released?" I asked, opening one eye and looking at Harry. He nodded. I sighed and looked down at Nathan.  

"Hey bud, wake up." I gently shook him and he stirred, pulling me closer and grabbing my tummy. 

"Babies need sleep too." He mumbled. I smiled and gently pried his arms off. He stirred but didn't move. I got up and walked to get his bookbag. I grabbed his clothes and set them on the bed. Louis set mine next to him. 

"You're welcome." He smiled. I sat down and thought before I jumped up and stepped to the bathroom to shower. I put on hot water and looked around for the soap. I saw Louis' sloppy handwriting and my vanilla shampoo. I stripped the nightgown and looked at my body and really looked at it. My figure was still curved and my stomach was round. Slightly big because of my twins, my thighs were a little bigger than last time but that was expected. I kept thinking on how I haven't spent any time with Harry lately and I want to. 

I missed cuddling with him and kissing him while watching movies with him. I sighed and squeezed vanilla shampoo onto my palm. I rinsed the shampoo out and stepped out. 

"Harry!" I screamed through the slight open door. 

"Yeah?" He asked, screaming back. 

"Clothes!" I heard him grab them and step inside, covering his face.  

"I'm not looking I swear!" He said and placed them on the toilet seat. I quickly stepped in the bra and underwear before telling Harry it's okay to look. He turned and stared at me in awe. He gazed his eyes on the stomach and kept them there for a bit. He walked towards me and gently placed his hands on my stomach, touching them. I smiled and grabbed his curls, twirling my finger on them.  

"Babe?" I asked him. He looked at me, his green eyes so vibrant. 

"Yeah?" He breathed out, leaving me breathless and forgetting what I was about to say. That's the effect he had on me. I took a deep breath and he stepped closer, mint and ice cream radiating off him. I looked at the door and saw what I've been dreaded to avoid.

"Jesse... later." I said. Harry looked in confuson. I smiled.


I walked through the apartment. After they dropped me off, they left me at Harry's apartment and I was alone... aparently, Harry had a surprise for me and I was scared to know what it was. I heard a knock and I opened the door. Noone was there. I looked and saw a note. I picked it up and sighed, twins was a lot of work. My hands trembled at the note:

'You can't hide from me forever.'


Hey guys! this is short because I'm currently on a school frenzie and yeah...

:O theres a note!!!!!! what do you thnk that means?!

well, find out next time where i swear the chapter will be longer... my babes in the hospital (my laptop...) so, itll be awhile.

Anyways, i hope you liked this chapter, even tho it was filler, imm sorry ):

1 comment for my super long chapter (:

and let me know if you want me to post my other story, id also love the number of reads but hate the lack of comments but im still grateful. until next time (:

Teaser; Who's after Harry and Gabrielle and what do they want?!

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