Chapter Eight-

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Chapter Eight-

            It's about midnight, I'm under the covers with my head against Jake's bare chest. My eyes flutter open and I look up to see Jake asleep peacefully. Some tributes are still training so I have just enough time to make it back to our loft. I turn Jake's television on to peaceful music and blow out the candles we lit gently. Tip toeing I dress back into my jumpsuit, get out a pen and a little notepad and write a goodnight note to Jake, resting it onto his night stand. Entering the threshold of the bathroom I rinse my face off and wet a towel, wringing it onto me to give the effect that I was sweating. Then take the elevator to our floor. The air conditioning breathes against my skin and I finally step onto our floor, where Viola awaits.

            "Sit down, Jerry." Viola crosses her arms and furrows her brows, giving a look of disapproval.

            Fuck... I've been caught. I think to myself. I shouldn't have went with Jake. All the color flushes out of my face and I try to hide the significant and obvious fear coming upon me. Slowly, I walk over to the sofa and sit down, "Yes, Viola." I gulp.

            "Where were you?" She paces in front of me, arms still crossed, her eyes locking onto mine. It's dark and nobody else is awake, but the lights from outside allow me to see her figure, hopefully she can't see me.

            "I was just training." I say with a smile, trying to act natural.

She gasps, "Stop lying to me, Jerry Hinman. I know where you were."

I look down and suck my teeth.

            "I called the trainers to ask how you were doing and they told me you had left with the two tributes and Sabrina. You weren't training, you snuck into the District two loft and hung out with other tributes. I hope you know that is strictly forbidden! It's against the rules! Do you know your consequences for your actions?" Viola snaps quietly at me, waving a finger her bangles jingle and clank together.

I sigh, "I was just trying to make friends. Besides, what are they going to do? Get a new tribute...? They can't do that, especially after the tribute parade and the first training day."

            "Yeah, maybe not NOW but in the arena you're as good as dead. They'll make sure you're killed off! Do you know how vital their trust is? If you ever do something like this again I'll-"

            "You'll what? Spank me?" I snap back.

"Get to bed now, I don't want to see your face until morning." Viola commands.

            "Why wouldn't you want to see my face? It's so beautiful." I reply as I walk to my room.

Viola huffs, "Don't get a mouth with me sir. Get to bed before I have the Avox do it for you."

            Can they really hurt me for this? I frown and lay in bed, awake all night, scared.

            Breakfast the next day is silent, we just eyeball each other and focus on our crepes and bacon. I sip from my orange juice, you can hear the ice cubes clattering together as silent as it is. Even Vienna doesn't even sing her usual daily morning tunes.

            "Can we just get this off everyone's shoulders and say that it really isn't a big deal. I'm part of an alliance... and? You guys wouldn't know how hard it is to be in Sabrina and I's position. We're away from home, away from our friends, and our families. We're just lucky... sort of, that we're here for each other on this damn journey. I could've been paired up with a blood thirsty stranger who hated me. We have no sort of communication except with other tributes, so what does it matter that I went and made friends with two? We're stronger together." I snap.

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