Avengers x Male Reader|Back in Time

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"Morning guys"Y/N said as h entered the kitchen where the avengers were eating their breakfast

"Ahh youngling.Would you care for some of my eggs"Thor said holding up a large plate of slightly burnt fried eggs

"No thanks Thor"Y/N said as he headed for the fridge and opened it and pulled out a carton of milk.

Y/N grabbed some weetabix and put it in a bowl before pouring the milk in.Suddenly the milk dropped from his grasp

"Y/N you better not be making a mess"Tony said

"Uh guys"Y/N voice sounded scared so the avengers focus went to him and they immediately stood up in shock"I don't know what's happening to me"Y/N body started to disappear slowly

"Tony what's happening to him?"Steve said before Y/N completely disappeared 

"Jarvis what happened to Y/N"Tony commanded Jarvis

"Y/N Henry Allen died 2 years ago sir"Jarvis responded shocking the team

"Preposterous.He was standing here but a minute ago"Thor said

"How did he die?"Bruce asked

"During an Avengers mission against the Cabal Y/N was ambushed and shot.Y/N was in critical condition with 14 bullet holes.There was a 0.00000001% chance of survival"Jarvis answered as he inserted information on the mission onto the monitors which were in the kitchen.

"2 years ago we defeated the Cabal.Y/N told us he was ambushed and gloated the fact that he was faster than 14 speeding bullets for a week"Steve said.

"Jarvis bring up the footage"Tony ordered and Jarvis complied.

Y/n was blasted through a wall of the Cabal's base.He was quick to get up and saw around him that this room was the armoury and weaponry was pointed at him.

"This is the end speedster"MODOK said from his adaptoid suit as he entered the room

"Yeah for you"Y/N said as he ran at MODOK trying to use his supersede but it wouldn't work"What's going on with my powers?"

"They've been dampened with this"MODOK said as he held up a dampening device"As you're about to die I might as well tell you how this happened"Y/N looked around the room for an exit but he couldn't find one.His worry grew as many red dots pointed at him

"I made the device"Future MODOK appeared next to past MODOK

"Two of you!"Y/N exclaimed

"Yes.You know the saying"Past MODOK said

"Only trust yourself.Those other incompetent buffoons through this device was useless and scrapped the project.So I travelled back in time to cure the mistake I made before"Future MODOK said"Goodbye speedster.Y/N tried to dodge the bullets but he was quickly shot down

The Avengers stood in horror as they saw one of their own getting murdered

"MODOK has a time machine"Black widow stated

"Let's take it off him"Bruce said

"Okay Avengers.Here's the plan.We use the machine to go back in time and find the MODOK with the device and stop him from giving it to his past self"Steve told them

Time Skip 

"Okay the time and coordinates are set in"Bruce stated as he stood behind a computer which was linked to the time machine.Steve, Tony and Natasha entered the Time Machine"Are you sure you don't want us to come?"Bruce gestured to himself, Thor and Clint

"It's a simple grab and go mission"Natasha told them as she closed the door to the time machine

"Okay.We'll lose communication when you time jump.Be careful"Bruce told them as he fired up the machine

"Godspeed Avengers.I've always wanted to say that"Clint said over excitingly but was punched in the shoulder by Thor"owww"

"Good luck Avengers.Bring Y/N back"Thor said

The Time Machine disappeared and then reappeared.Steve, Tony and Natasha bursted out the machine, trying to hold MODOK down

"Guys a little help?"Tony asked as he was thrown into a wall followed by the other two.Clint began firing his arrows, Thor summoned his hammer and Bruce got angry.

"Avengers Assemble"Steve said as he thew his shield and the Avengers began their attack.Thor threw his hammer as MODOK, Tony fired his repulsers, Clint shot his arrows, Natasha made some sneaky attacks and finally hulk grabbed MODOK and punched him until he was more than unconscious 

"That was for runner"Hulk said

"What the fuck?!"Y/N said as he entered the room

"Y/N!"The Avengers ran at him and attacked him with a large team hug.

"What's going on?"Y/N asked

"It's a long story"Steve said as they let go of Y/N

"Let us discuss it over lunch"Thor stated as he grabbed Y/N and lifted him up"Don't want you disappearing youngling"

"I wanna carry him!"Hulk roared

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