Natalie Rushman x Male Reader|Teacher's Pet Pt2

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Peter's Apartment 

"Finally"Peter sighed as he placed the last piece onto the Lego DeathStar

Peter sat on his bedroom carpeted floor as he finished the DeathStar, Ned was leaning off the top bunk of Peter's bunk bed whilst Y/N span around on the desk chair

"12 movies, One Lego DeathStar and 3 days"Y/N monologued as he stopped spinning in the chair"I'm might be sick"

"Great way to finish off the weekend and spend our extra day off cause of a giant Rhino"Ned added 

"Talk about steroids"Peter chuckled before Y/N checked his phone

"Shit I gotta get back"Y/N swore as he saw the late time and got up

"Dude, just sleepover"Peter offered"May will be cool with it"

"I would but I got shit to do"Y/N said as he got up with a yawn, grabbing his jacket from the corner of the room

"I'd walk you out but I'm about to pass out"Ned saids seconds before nodding off

"See you Y/N"Peter said before Y/N left

He quickly said goodbye to Aunt May before leaving the apartment building.

Time Skip

Y/N strolled down the empty and dimly lit streets of Queens.Hands in his pocket as he closed into his jacket due to the cold breeze of the New York night.The regular car driving past him every couple minutes made Y/N become slightly ignorant to his surroundings

A buzz from his phone made him pull it out, revealing an incoming call from Natalie Rushman.He smiled to himself at the provocative profile picture and before he could answer the call, a van came to a screeching stop, driving onto the path in front of him

"What the f-"Y/N was cut off when a gang of disguised individuals grabbed him, blinding him with a bag before they harshly forced him into the van, knocking him out as he hit the vehicle

Time Skip

Y/N gasped for air as he felt the bucket of cold water drench him, making him awake.He tried to move his hands but felt the zip tie tighten around his wrists, making him groan in pain

The cover on his head was suddenly pulled off, making Y/N wince as his eyes adjust to the light as a flashlight was shun directly into his eyes

""Fuck"Y/N swore as he shook his head, seeing he was in some sort of rundown factory, tied to a rusting metal chair"I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dre-"

"Shut up bro"A man in a red tracksuit cut him off, making him noticed the gang that'd kidnapped him"This not dream"

"Well, that's your opinion"Y/N slowly replied with raised eyebrows, only to receive a punch in the stomach making him grunt in pain

"Listen up bro, we have some questions you are going to answer for us"Another man said"Do you understand?Yes or no?"

"It's not like I have a choice dumbass"Y/N spat out before yelping at another hit to the stomach, making some blood dribble out his mouth

"Okay, how do you know 'The Black Widow'?"The man questioned, Y/N looking at him confused even through the pain"Not the spider, the Avenger"

"I don't know h-ow!"Y/N tensed as he took another hit

"We have picture, yes?"A tracksuit mafia member asked before he was given a phone and showing it to Y/N"This spy"

"We have picture, yes?"A tracksuit mafia member asked before he was given a phone and showing it to Y/N"This spy"

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