Michelle Jones x Male Reader x Peter Parker|Their Queen

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Some people called it weird , some called it a phase but they called it love.Peter Parker, Michelle Jones and Y/N Potts are in a polyamorous relationship and because they're still in high school there's a bit of judging but they don't care, well MJ doesn't care but Y/N and Peter do a bit




"Watch it Penis Parker"Flash said as he barged past Peter"Sup Potts"Nodding as Y/N walked past, not taking recognition as he wore headphones as he headed to his locker

"Hey Y/N"Peter greeted as he noticed Y/N next to him, opening his locker but not giving his usual response"Y/N?"

Peter sighing as he saw the headphones, before giving a cautious tap on his shoulder, making him pull his headphones down to his shoulders as he turned

"Hey Peter, what's up?"Y/N asked as he multitasked listening and grabbing books from his locker

"Have you seen MJ today?"Peter asked"I haven't seen her all day"

"It's the beginning of the day"Y/N answered"Give her a call, you're acting like something bad happened"

"What happened?"MJ asked, appearing out of nowhere

"Hey babe"Y/N said as he gave her a kiss"Pete was worried about you"

"Yeah"Peter replied, with his head down

"I swear he is so shy in public but in closed doors he's not"Y/N told her as he put his arm around him before the bell rang"I got chemistry"

"So do I"Peter added, with a sudden loudness because of the now bustling hallways

"I got English"MJ said annoyed

"Would you like us to escort you?"Y/N said, holding his hand out to MJ who accepted it

"What if we're late?"Peter asked as he held her other hand

"God you guys are weird"MJ said

"She's a queen, so we need to treat her like one"Y/N answered




"Oh yeah, you forgot this at the tower"Y/N told Peter as they left the class, handing over his glasses, Tony and Pepper bought back Avengers Tower.

"Oh thank god, I thought I lost them"Peter said, giving a surprise hug and a kiss on the cheek before realising they were in public"sorry"he whispered

"You know, I was more worried about your super strength hug"Y/N said as they entered the cafeteria, heading over to where their girlfriend and best friend were

"What took you two so long?"Ned asked as they sat down, Michelle in-between them

"Probably doing it again"MJ assumed, making the two turn pink"Wouldn't be the first time, except normally I catch them and then we..."

"Okay, enough.Ew"Ned said, grossed by the words

"Our classes were on the other side of the school"Y/N answered before a 'geek talk' ,as MJ called it, began

"Are we still on for tonight?"MJ asked as Ned left for the toilet

"We're heading to your place, right?Because the Tower is gonna be busy today and I can't go to my place because Kate's having Clint over for training, which will only end in chaos"Y/N checked before seeing the face MJ made when he mentioned Kate"She's just my roommate"

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