Red-She Hulk x Male Reader|Crossing Paths

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Requested by lightdarkness98

A gang of robbers ran out of the bank, finding themselves in the underground garage where they ran over to their getaway vehicle, a white van

"What are we selling candy!"One of them complained as the door slip open and they filled the back of the van

"It's my mums!"The driver yelled back as they screeched off, leaving black tire marks on the ground as they drove off.

However, they couldn't make it past the exit before an orange trail of lightning surrounded their vehicle a few times and they suddenly appeared tied against a pillar

"A white van, really?"Y/N questioned with his arms crossed as he stood in front of the crooks

"A white van, really?"Y/N questioned with his arms crossed as he stood in front of the crooks

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"Might as well wear ski masks, oh wait, you are"Y/N chuckled at them

"Hey, my mom put a lot of effort into these masks"The driver defended himself

"She bought them at Walmart"Another one mumbled

"Okay, well just a tip for when you're at prison, don't bend over, I've read about it online"Y/N said before he disappeared in a second




Betty Ross sighed as she kicked open the door to her new apartment, holding the one of the dozen boxes she'd have to bring from the car

She placed the heavy box down before rushing out, not looking where she was going and unfortunately bumping into another person

"Shit, sorry"She apologised before looking up and seeing a reorganisation in the man

"Betty?"Y/N asked, now out of his Flash suit and into casual wear

"Y/N, you've gotten taller and...have you been hitting the gym?"Betty blushed as she asked the question

"Oh, that nothing"Y/N waved it off"So, what are you dong here?How've you been?"

"Well me and Bruce just broke up"Betty said with a fake cheerful tone as Y/N gave an 'oh'."But I've moved here"

"That's great, I live next door"Y/N chuckled as he pointed to his apartment, Betty suddenly a little disappointed

"So, how's the wife?"She asked with a nervous laugh to which Y/N gave her a confused look

"What wife?"Y/N countered her question.She quickly pointed to her hand where a gold ring was, one that stored his suit"Oh no, this is just for aesthetics" 

"Well then, can you and your aesthetics come help me move in?"She asked with her hands on her hips, Y/N gulping at her beauty 

"Sure, only if you join me for some coffee after?"Y/N asked 

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