She-Hulk x Male Reader|Smash!

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Requested by Dragonsw

Dozens of ninjas charged, dressed in red outfits that hid the blood stains inflicted on previous attackers.Y/N stood in the middle of the temple courtyard, his blade in hand as he sliced through the army.

Grinning as he felt a punch land across his cheek, the attacker turned to see another version of Y/N stab into him, except he was an ice clone that quickly dissipated after.

Just for some backstory for the intense situation Y/N found himself in, after hearing about the conflict 'The Hand' was dealing themselves in, Y/N marched alone to their hideout and planned on taking them all down.

However he quickly became overwhelmed as more blows landed on, his sword was knocked out of his hand as he was kicked back into a ninja that managed to leave a large cut on his arm, Y/N groaning in pain as more injuries came his way

He tried to regain control of the fight he started but even with his telekinesis he used to slam other ninjas into each other, more of them came and eventually had Y/N to his knees, exhausted 

"Final words, foreigner?"One ninja questioned as Y/N began seeing double after being butted by the end of a sword handle

"You guys are so fucked"Y/N spat blood out as he saw the quinjet fly over the base

The last thing he saw a green blur jumping down before he lost consciousness 




Y/N groaned as he awoke, recollecting his memories and then taking in his surroundings

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Y/N groaned as he awoke, recollecting his memories and then taking in his surroundings.A recovery room, seemed to be in New York which Y/N recognised through the window that also told him he was on a high level up.He looked, seeing the blue hospital gown that he'd grown to hate.

He finally caught the feeling he was being watched, he leant over from his bed, pushing aside the curtains and revealing Jennifer Walter, or as her alias goes She-Hulk, leaning against the wall with crossed arms.Y/N thought she looked incredibly fuckable in that moment but the realisation kicked in as he'd learnt that Jen stayed in Hulk form when frustrated, she was frustrated with him

"How could you Y/N!?"She suddenly yelled, taking Y/n by surprise who jolted up"You-I-Did you even have a plan?Or was it 'oh let me go wave my metal stick around'?!"

"Jen"Y/N tried to speak but was cut off

"Don't you Jen me you whore, fuck that insult have nothing to do with this"She thought out loud as she stepped over to Y/N"Why did you go alone?"

"Shellhead and the rest of the Avengers were busy, probably another one of Stark's mess ups"Y/N defended himself

"So you go against one of the biggest crime syndicates in the world"Jennifer stated, Y/N looking down as she sighed"You can't keep doing this, I don't want to worry about you, it keeps me up at night when you should be next to me in bed, as a normal married man should be"

"I'm sorry"Y/N said, finally looking up sincerely at her"I'll try to be better"

"Correction:you will be better"Jennifer scolded

"How can I, how can I make this up to you?"Y/N asked and a dirty thought flew around in Jen's mind"I'll do anything for you"

"There aren't any camera in the room, plus the doors locked"Jen spoke those words and Y/N instantly caught on and gulped




Their clothes were shed , Y/N was pinned against the cold hospital room wall, She-Hulks hand on his ab while she was on her knees.

Gripping onto him and keeping him in position as she bobbed her head, swallowing his cock hole each time she went down.Y/N found his hands going to Jen's green hair by instinct.She swallowed more and more of his cock each time she moved her head as Y/N continued to leave out groans and moans from the euphoria she was giving him

He began thrusting his hips forward, his eyes looking up as he felt himself near a climax.But as he was seconds near Jen pulled away with a smirk

"You didn't think it was that easy"Jen said before gasping as Y/N came after her sentence, spraying the white fluid onto her face and cleavage

"Me and edging don't do well"Y/N sighed as Jen licked off the liquid

Y/N let out an awkward chuckle as he was grabbed and then thrown, landing onto the hospital bed with an audible oof.

"Injuries remember"Y/N gestured to the bandages as Jen walked over, towering over Y/N

"Babe, don't be a baby"Jen warned as she straddled Y/N's waist who raised an eyebrow

Y/N looked smug as he saw Jen's face scrunch up while she began to slowly take his inches.But it was Y/N's turn to make a face when Jen began bouncing.Light moans turned to loud ones but not by Y/N, but by Jen.

Little droplets of sweat going down her body as her breasts bounced , her ass cheeks rippling each time she went down, she bit her lip as she made eye contact with Y/N who sometimes pitched in with a thrust upward.

Y/N managed to pull her down, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss all the while she kept riding him.He felt her heavy breasts pushing against his broad chest, his hands went down her spine before going past her waist and squeezing her thicc ass cheeks, making her gasp against the kiss and allow Y/N's to push his tongue in, gaining some dominance in the situation as he then smacked her ass.

"Y/N"She mumbled into the kiss, her chest rising up and down as she felt herself coming to a release

And just as she orgasmed the hospital bed's legs collapsed, dropping it to the ground and taking the two by surprise as they landed

"How can an orgasm feel good and bad?"Y/N questioned before looking to his bandages that began to turn red"Worth it"

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