Avengers x Male Reader|I Quit

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(Another Avengers Assemble base off)

"Stark why'd you call a meeting?"Steve asked as he entered the Avengers Tower meeting room with Natasha ,Clint, Thor and Hulk 

"I didn't call it I thought you did cap"Tony responded as he sat down with Sam.

"Are we being pranked?"Sam asked

"Clint?"Natasha asked

"This isn't me.Plus calling a meeting.I mean come on.What kind of prank is that?"Clint answered.A trail of lightning entered the room and it was Y/N in his Flash suit.He pulled his mask down

"I called the meeting"Y/n told them

"Alright kid let's get this over with"Tony said bored

"Don't be a nuisance Tony.Y/N what's the situation?"Steve asked

"I'm quitting the Avengers"Y/N said shocking the rest of the members

"Wait what?"Tony asked

"You can't just quit"Clint said

"I don't want to be the youngest on the team"Sam complained"Also why!?"

"Hulk sad"Hulk said"Hulk need to smash!"

"Youngling why have you decided to leave?"Thor asked

"Is it us?"Natasha asked

"No.It's me.I don't fit in here.I look around me and see myself as an outcast.I don't feel like you guys have my back"Y/N said

"Why didn't you say something?"Steve asked

"Yeah.Also it's a pretty bad time to quit.The Cabal are loose with Hyperion"Tony said earning looks from the others"What it's the truth?"

"So here's my Avengers card and I already cleared my stuff from the Tower.Goodbye"Y/N said before he sped out, not letting anyone change his decision 

"What just happened?"Clint asked

Time Skip

'Did I do the right thing?'The thought stayed in Y/N's mind as he ran through the city.This thought went aside for he moment when he heard a scream.He ran to the location where a was rolling and about to crush 4 pedestrians.He ran in and moved the pedestrian out of the way.He turned and looked at the source of the attack which was Attuma

"Ready for round two?"Attuma chuckled.

"I can't wait to devour your superhuman blood"Dracula said as he appeared behind the Flash

"Time to die pest"MODOK said as he appeared to his left

"Aye your not escaping this time speedster"Red Skull said as he landed on his right in his iron skull suit

"This isn't good"Y/N mumbled"So are we just gonna stand here or are we gonna fight?"

"We choose fight!"Hyperion yelled as he flew in and shot his lasers which Y/N dodged.Y/N multitasked as he dodged all the members attacks.He was put against the wall by Iron Skull's blast and was punched onto the road by Dracula.As he was getting up he was grabbed by Hyperion and flown up.He was dropped and Hyperion flew into him adding the incoming speed.Y/N was pushed into the ground.Dust appeared and when it disappeared Y/N was revealed.His suit ripped and some areas of his body was bleeding.He defiantly broken some bones.

"Let's end this"Attuma said as he revealed his sword and was about to plunge it through the heroes injured body.

"NO!"Hulk yelled as he tackled Attuma into a building"HULK SMASH!"Hulk repeated beat Attuma through walls

"The beast is here.The rest must be too."Skull stated before getting blasted back by an incoming Iron Man

"Kinda smart Skull.But if you were actually smart.You'd be running"Tony said as he fired some more shots

"Hyperion.We face again"Thor said as he attacked the villain

"Bullseye"Clint said as he shot MODOK with a concussion arrow immediately knocking him out"That was easy"Falcon then swopped in and pushed back Dracula 

"Widow,Hawkeye help Falcon.I'll get Y/N to the jet"Steve said as he ran out of the Avenjet."Guys Y/N's in a bad condition"Steve quickly picked Y/N up and took him to the jet

"I guess I shouldn't have quit"Y/N tried to joke but he was quickly losing the ability to.At this point he was fighting to stay awake.And he was losing

"Stay with me kid"Steve said as he got into the jet.Those were the last words Y/N heard before he was succumbed to darkness

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