Cindy Moon x Male Reader|The Mentor

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"Alright people let's do this one last time, my name is Y/N Parker.I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the last year I've been the one and only Spider-Man.I think you know the rest.I saved the city, fell in love, joined the Avengers, beat up a giant grape, fell out of love, I saved the city some more, almost flunked my chance to get into MIT, joined a multiverses Spider Society and met other people like me.And even after all that chaos I still love being Spider-Man, because I'm the only one in this universe, I'm the guy that always gets back up to keep my city safe...or so I thought"Y/N monologued as he swung through the traffic infested streets of New York

Some small cheers from civilians are he swung by, doing an front flip as he landed on top of a building

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Some small cheers from civilians are he swung by, doing an front flip as he landed on top of a building

"What took you so long?"Cindy Moon said, stepping out of the shadow of the roof fire exit

"Crime never stops, nice suit"Y/N commented as he walked over to her, admiring the skin tight suit

"It's a bit tight"Cindy complained, stretching out the stuff with her hands

"Didn't you make it yourself?"Y/N asked, a small nudge from Cindy 

"Okay then 'Spider-Man', what are we doing today?"Cindy asked, impatient already

Y/N grabbed her hands before strapping on a pair of web shooters 

"Oh hell no"Cindy said, backing away

"Wait Cindy"Y/N stopped her, jumping over her and blocking her from the door

"I can kick your ass Y/N so move"Cindy threatened 

"Cindy"Y/N pleaded, pulling his mask off"I'm not going to force you to do this but you're going to have to do this if you want to be a hero.And it's better to do it now.I know you Cindy, you're an amazing person and you've done incredible things.You can be spectacular, I believe in you...Silk"

However, Y/N's calm face was turned into one of shock as Cindy quickly planted her lips on Y/N's lips

"You look cute when you ramble"Cindy told the wide eyed Y/N

"Yep"Y/N said, shaking off the dumbfounded face

"Keep up Spider-Man"Cindy giggled, pulling up her mask and stepping off the edge of the building

Y/N ran forward, looking over the edge in worry only to be relieved as Cindy shot a web and swung.Y/N smiled to himself as he pulled on his mask and dived off

Amongst the moving crowd on the sidewalk, one looked up and called out as they saw the two web slingers went by

"You know the basics"Y/N said, swinging next to Cindy who was loving this new experience

"I'm a quick learner"Cindy replied, smug 

"try and keep up"Y/N said, free falling after letting go of the web before planting himself on the side of a sky scraper before running up

Cindy grinned behind her red mask as she jumped onto the building, continuing the pursuit

"Sorry for the disturbance!"Y/N yelled as he ran through what turned out to be a roof restaurant

Y/N dove off the building , Cindy doing the same seconds later.As Y/N swung close to the ground Cindy caught up, swinging beside him, dangerously close to the traffic

"Quick learner"Cindy repeated with a wink

Y/N began getting mesmerised by her, her long raven hair flowing in the air, her attractive body fitting perfectly in her suit.Cindy noticed this by how the lenses of the mask got smaller

Before they could act a horn from a vehicle brought the two out of the trance.Y/N and Cindy flipped over the incoming bus, running along it and shooting a web and jumping off.But the two webs got tangled, causing Y/N and Cindy to be forced against each other.The suit fabric made it as if they were completely bare as they touched each other.

"If these masks weren't in the way I would kiss you"Y/N admitted

"How about we go somewhere else?"Cindy whispered into Y/N's ear


Cindy was stuck against the wall of a building as Y/N was in front of her.Cindy pushed Y/N's mask up after she'd pulled hers down, latching onto his lips once again yet it lasted for longer.Y/N's erection was bulging as it was restricted by his suit.Cindy moaned as she felt him rub it against him

"Who's impatient now?"Cindy teased as Y/N pressed the emblem in his suit, making it loosen around his body and fall if Y/N didn't stick it to the wall next to them

"Shut up"Y/N growled, pulling off Cindy's suit and putting it aside.

Cindy wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck as Y/N's lips latched onto her breasts, pleasuring and pleasing her.Y/N went to put his cock inside her womanhood only for Cindy to put a hand on his chest, making him look up

"I'm not on the pill"Cindy warned

"I'm prepared"Y/N replied, grabbing a spare web cartridge and revealing a condom inside of it

Y/N rolled it onto his pulsating member before he slowly pushed himself into her, a groan reading from Cindy's lips as he filled her.Cindy pulled Y/N closer as he began to thrust , her head on his shoulder, one hand on his neck and another on his partially taken off mask

"The window cleaners are going to love this"Y/N managed to get out as Cindy's naked body pressed harder against the window as he thrusted 

The two were loving the activity, however the moment was broken when a ringing came from Y/N's mask.Y/N continued thrusting while he answered the call

"Kid I need you back at HQ, we have a situation"Miguel O Hara's voice showed, Y/N groaning in frustration

"Fuck you Miguel"Y/N swore as he looked at Cindy

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