Gwen Stacy x Male Reader|Learning Part Two

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(What Gwen is Wearing:

(What Gwen is Wearing:

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What you are wearing:

What you are wearing:

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Snow piled up on the streets of New York.The sun set on the beautiful city.Y/N sat next to Gwen who was laying on the roof of a snow covered building

"Okay new lesson"Gwen announced out of nowhere before getting up

"Counter argument.We get some cocoa and snuggle in a warm room"Y/N said before getting up

"As much as that sounds great we'll have to do that later"Gwen said

"Fine"Y/N groaned"What must I learn today?"

"To stop a mugging"Gwen said

"I'm not gonna lie I saw this coming.But later"Y/N confessed

"Well right now all you can do is shoot webs and swing"Gwen said"Come on let's find a mugging"She  jumped off the building and swung away followed by Y/N

10 minutes later

They landed on a building which was next to an alley where someone was getting mugged

"Okay it'll come as second instinct due to the spider powers.Don't worry I'll have your back"Gwen said"Go get em tiger"

Y/N pulled his mask on and pulled his hood up

Y/N pulled his mask on and pulled his hood up

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He climbed down the side off the building.As he was doing this Gwen received a notification on her phone

'Message from MJ'This drawer her attention to her phone rather than the action

"You got this Y/N"Y/N mumbled to himself before dropping down and landing behind the mugger"Step away from the girl"He told the mugger who turned his attention away from his victim who escaped

"You're gonna pay for that"The robber said before pulling out a knife and swinging at him.Y/N dodged the attack and webbed his arm to his body.He did a spin kick sending the man back and ended the fight by webbing him to the wall

"that was really easy"Y/N said to himself and let his guard down.His spider sense kicked in and made him move to the left.Barley missing the knife which was thrown at him.He was quick to turn and saw 3 brutes and some thief's circle him."You gotta be kidding me"He mumbled and hoped Gwen would step in.They all attacked him at once.He managed to dodge a couple attacks before a brute punched him in the face, sending him onto the ground

He managed to dodge a couple attacks before a brute punched him in the face, sending him onto the ground

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He tried to get back up but was thrown back down.He rapidly shot webs taking some guys down but he was being beaten.He was thrown against the cold brick wall after getting beaten harshly

"Time to die"One of them said

Y/N closed his eyes for a few moments before reopening them and seeing Gwen in front of him

"Sorry I got distracted"Gwen chuckled.She held out a hand to help him up but he ignored it and got up"What's wrong?"

"You said you had my back"Y/N said looking down before pulling his mark off revealing a 

"You said you had my back"Y/N said looking down before pulling his mark off revealing a 

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bloody and beaten face making her gasp

"Come on let's get you out of here"Gwen said

Time Skip

Two cups of steaming hot chocolate was placed on the coffee table of Y/N and Gwen's shared apartments.Y/N's face had been cleaned and small plasters had been placed.They cuddled into each other on the couch enjoying each others warmth

"You're idea was better"Gwen said

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