Gwen Stacy x Male Reader|Study Date

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Another class.Another boring lesson that showed as the students of Midtown High School sat in History class, although it was the last lesson of the day it dragged on for what seemed to be hours

"Miss Stacy!"Mr Kent, history teacher yelled, catching the attention of the blonde girl who's head shot up form where it previously was against the desk"Might I remind you the consequences of sleeping in my classes"

"I was just having a dream about Ancient Egypt, the Pharaohs didn't really do minimum wage"Gwen replied as she tapped her pen on her book, as the teachers annoyance grew a small chuckle was heard from the near back of the deadly silent class

"Sorry"Y/N mumbled an apology as he saw all eyes were now on him, looking down at his lap where he fiddled with his hands

"Your assignment for the weekend is to create a presentation of the unique types of Architecture in Ancient Egypt , you will be paired up and you will have to do the assignment together.No bribery, I'm looking at you Mr Thompson"Mr Kent accused Flash who slowly deflated at his idea as Mr Kent began listing out the pairs

 "Eugene Thompson and Cindy Moon, Ned Leeds and Betty Brant, Peter Parker and Michelle-Jones Watson, Y/N L/N and Gwen Stacy"Mr Kent continued to read out the names as Y/N looked up to see the girl he'd been paired up with, her sending a warm smile...

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 "Eugene Thompson and Cindy Moon, Ned Leeds and Betty Brant, Peter Parker and Michelle-Jones Watson, Y/N L/N and Gwen Stacy"Mr Kent continued to read out the names as Y/N looked up to see the girl he'd been paired up with, her sending a warm smile towards him"It's a Friday so no get out of my class!"

The students quickly scurried out of the classroom after shoving their equipment into their bag.Y/N slung his bag around his back as he walked into the now bustling hallways of the High School.

Pushing through the crowd to finally get to his locker where he put in the pin and opened it

"Hey, Y/N right?"Y/N turned to his left, seeing the source of the voice leaning against the lockers next to him

"Y/N-Y/N yes, that's my name"Y/N stuttered with raised eyebrows at her"Listen I get if you want me to do this alone i'll tell Mr Kent that we did it together"

"Why would I want that?Do you think I'm stupid"Gwen asked with crossed arms, pretending to be offended to which Y/N took seriously

"No I didn't mean it like that, it's just pretty girls always want me to do..."Y/N sighed as he heard his own words"And I just called you pretty"

"Don't sweat it.My place, 7pm, don't try to stutter in front of my dad cause he might put a bullet in you"Gwen said as she handed a small note with her number on it to Y/N 

"You're joking about the bullet thing, right?"Y/N asked , not getting an answer as Gwen gave him a smile and walking by"right?"




Y/N walked down the corridor of the top floor of an apartment building.Slightly nervous as he held onto the straps of his backpack, swinging his legs as he walked down the warm yet empty hallway.He finally stopped in front of a door, double checking the note that he pulled out of his pocket before hovering his hand in front of the door

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