Avengers x Male Reader|Barbados

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Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Sam, Bucky, Pietro, Wanda, Peter, Y/N and Kate were all going on vacation which they were all excited for.Y/N held her girlfriend's hand as he and Kate walked through the airport.Bucky walked through the metal detector and it beeped.A nervous employee came up to him

"Um Mr Winter Soldier could you remove any metal possessions?"He said stuttering a lot

"No"Bucky said before pushing past him and grabbing his bag

"Sorry about him"Steve apologised for his friend

As they got to the shopping area of the airport Pietro ran off

"I got him"Y/N said before using his speed to chase after him"Pietro what are you doing?"

"We need snacks"Pietro said as he held 4 bags of snacks

"There's snacks on the plane"Y/N told him


Time Skip

Tony had made sure no one else was in first class so they were alone

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Tony had made sure no one else was in first class so they were alone.Y/N sat next to Kate with his eyes shut wearing headphones on his head.He was listening to 'Holiday' by KSI when a loud booming voice made his open his eyes and see Tony and Steve trying to stop an angered Thor.Y/N put his headphones down and ran over to see the commotion 

"No pop tarts.This is preposterous!"Thor yelled

"Thor calm down"Steve said

"There are other people on the plane dude"Y/N told him

"Didn't you pack pop tarts in your bag?"Natasha said from her seat

"Ah yes"Thor said and went back to normal as he got his bag and pulled out pop tarts

Y/N returned to his seat next to Kate(she sat next to the window so he was sitting next to the aisle.Kate offered to watch a movie together and he agreed.As the seatbelt on sign was off Kate sat on Y/N's lap as they watched 'Mission Impossible Fallout'.

Time Skip

After the movie ended Kate headed over to talk with Wanda while Y/n stayed in his seat and looked for another movie

A female flight attendant went down the aisle on her way to Clint with his desired coffee.Clint sat behind Y/N and Pietro sat in front of Y/N.Pietro saw the chance for a prank so as the flight attendant went he put his foot out making her trip up and spill the hot drink on Y/N.

"I'm so sorry sir"The flight attendant quickly said

"No worries.Just watch out for Pietro"Was all Y/n said before getting up and grabbing a new shirt and trousers and heading to the bathroom which was larger than he thought but it was first class paid by Tony Stark

Just watch out for Pietro"Was all Y/n said before getting up and grabbing a new shirt and trousers and heading to the bathroom which was larger than he thought but it was first class paid by Tony Stark

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