Chapter 62: From now on, you will live here

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Chapter 62: From now on, you will live here

Originally, Le Yao Yao wanted to die from the bitterness in her mouth. Suddenly, Prince Rui stuffed something in her mouth. Before she could react, she tasted sweetness. It was so sweet that it made the bitter taste go away!

She was slightly shocked, but she instantly started to chew with a big mouthful.

After she was done chewing, she realized it was a honey cube!

But, the most startling thing was, the person who stuffed the honey cube into her mouth was the frozen faced, terrifying Prince Rui??

How come he had a honey cube on him? Does he like to eat honey cubes? Or did he purposely prepare the honey cube for her?

Le Yao Yao was confused as she looked up. She happened to catch the King of Hell's somewhat pink cheeks.

It was kind of awkwardand cute


The King of Hell was blushing!

Le Yao Yao's stunned expression made Leng Jun Yu felt very awkward.

Honestly, he didn't even know why he did it.

For the first time ever, when he saw Xiao Mu Zi walking in with the thick black bowl of medicine, he went out of his way to order a servant to bring him some honey cubes. He was afraid that the little eunuch wouldn't be able to stand the bitter taste

As expected, he was correct. Leng Jun Yu was glad he was well prepared.

As the little eunuch chewed on the honey cube, his crumpled face began to relax. However, now, he was staring at him in disbelief. It was making him feel very embarrassed and uncomfortable.

After all, he had always treated others very coldly. He had never done something so caring and attentive for anyone else.

In outsiders' point of view, he was more frightening than the actual King of Hell. They feared him. They respected him. By his side, they were always scared witless and on guard; as if he was a fierce beast that would devour them at any moment.

On the other hand, the little eunuch's eyes were very beautiful and clear.

It was as if he was the clean spring water; pure and penetrating.

"He" was like the only clean water left on this filthy Earth; the only area that hadn't been contaminated.

Leng Jun Yu couldn't help but like himand envy him..

Many believed he was fortunate and blessed to have been born a royalty. One must have cultivated many lives of good fortune before they were able to live his life. However, whether it was good fortune or not depend on the eye of the beholder.

Honestly, there were many times he envied those with an ordinary life.

While Leng Jun Yu was sighing from within, suddenly Le Yao Yao lifted up the blanket and got off the bed.

Seeing this, Leng Jun Yu frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Eh..umm..servant is very grateful to the Prince for saving me. Since servant's fever is gone now, it is time for servant to return back to his room to rest." Le Yao Yao lowered her eyes as she spoke.

After all, although she hadn't been here for long, she knew the Prince really enjoyed peace and quiet. Aside from the favoured secret agents, others were not allowed in here.

Even when servants were cleaning, they could only do so when Prince Rui was away at the Imperial Court.

Now that her fever was gone, naturally she couldn't stay here. Instead of getting kicked out, she might as well take the initiative to dismiss herself.

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