Chapter 5: Being squished

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Chapter 5: Being squished

The eunuch's five facial features looked like they were delicately craved. His big curious eyes were the most attractive features; it took up one fourth of his oval face.

Leng Jun Yu had never seen such huge, vivid eyes before. "His" eyes were watery and reflected the waves of sunlight. They looked as innocent as an immortal. At the same time, there were a hint of mischievousness in them. At this moment, these pair of lovely eyes were staring straight at him; they were emitting a pleasant shock that their owner could not conceal.

"His" thoughts could all be seen through his pupils. And right now, Leng Jun Yu could tell how much "he" was admiring him. Leng Jun Yu couldn't help but feel pleased with himself.

Leng Jun Yu had never felt this way before. This eunuch was sure...interesting!

"Who are you?" Leng Jun Yu spoke up.

It was clearly April, but his icy voice made it feel like there was a sudden blizzard. Le Yao Yao trembled and was foolishly awakened.

Eh, he is hot but his voice can freeze someone to death!

Also, after Le Yao Yao snapped out of it, she realized the man in front of her was the legendary ruthless Prince Rui!

Before Le Yao Yao had set her foot in here, she had already been exposed to the merciless stories of Prince Rui. Therefore, after the shock, she only felt fear. She was so scared that she didn't dare to reply.

After a slight tremble, Le Yao Yao decided to imitate the actions and language of the eunuchs she had seen on television before. She respectfully greeted Leng Jun Yu.

"To respond to Prince Rui, your servant's name is Xiao Yao Zi."

"Xiao Yao Zi?"

Leng Jun Yu opened his mouth and murmured her name once. His eyes remained focused on Le Yao Yao.

If a handsome man had stared at her like this in her previous life, Le Yao Yao would have suffered from a sweetness overdose. She probably would have felt like she was floating.

But this was the legendary cruel and scary Prince Rui. So, instead, her scalp turned numb and her organs started to vibrate.

Plus, this man's gaze was too penetrating and sharp. She felt like he could see through her.

In Le Yao Yao's mind, Prince Rui was like a beast that had just woken up. Although he looked sluggish and tired, once he decided to pounce, he would tear you into pieces with no remains left!

The more she thought about it, the more petrified she became. Her heart stopped when Leng Jun Yu suddenly took a step towards her.

Like a reflex, she took a huge step back and her movements were extremely exaggerated. Leng Jun Yu couldn't help but crinkled his brows and as he coldly questioned, "You're afraid of me?"

Although he was questioning, Leng Jun Yu sounded very certain.

Knowing that Le Yao Yao was afraid of him made his heart felt a bit sour.

He knew that many people feared him. He knew what rumours people were spreading about him. However, he never cared about that stuff. People could say whatever they wanted.

Yet, knowing that this little eunuch feared him caused bitterness to welled up in his heart.

Le Yao Yao could tell from Leng Jun Yu's tone that he was annoyed. Her heart trembled. She knew tyrants enjoyed it when others feared them, but clearly this man did not want her to fear him. Thus, Le Yao Yao immediately plastered a sweet smile on her face and shook her head very dramatically.

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