Chapter 197: Call me "Yu"

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Seeing how Leng Jun Yu was personally serving her, Le Yao Yao blushed. But she still knew her manners and quietly thanked him. Then, she used her own chopsticks and picked the oyster up as she devoured the whole thing into her mouth.

"How's the taste?"

"Mmm. It's delicious!"

Le Yao Yao couldn't help but got another oyster for herself.

Just as she was about to put it into her mouth, she thought about it, and decided to place it in Leng Jun Yu's bowl instead.

"Prince Rui, you should eat one too! It's so yummy!"

But Leng Jun Yu suddenly lifted his arm up to stop Le Yao Yao's hand midway.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao was confused. She stared at her chopsticks and assumed the King of Hell was a germaphobe. Most likely, he didn't want his food to be served from someone else's used chopsticks.

So, Le Yao Yao decided to pull her hand back. Unexpectedly, the man across from her pointed to his lips. He indicated he wanted her to feed him.

Le Yao Yao felt a blast of hot air entering her head.

Feed him?!?

The King of Hell was so shameless...!

However, Le Yao Yao obeyed his orders and lifted the oyster towards his mouth.

Leng Jun Yu ate the whole thing in one gulp.

Then, the King of Hell may or may not have purposely revealed his tongue as he licked his lips seductively.

By now, Le Yao Yao's cheeks were burning. Her ears were red and there were probably green smoke coming out of her head.

The King of Hell's actions were so sexual! It was making her recall the intense kiss they had shared on the tree...

Since Le Yao Yao was overly nervous, she decided to keep her head down as she devoured the entire plate of oysters. When Leng Jun Yu noticed "he" finished the entire plate, he was very satisfied.

There was a crafty glint in his eyes.

Oysters were a great supplement for men. Would it also help "him"? He was still considered half a man, right?!

By now, Le Yao Yao was very full. She touched her round tummy and fell back against her seat. She was too lazy to sit up properly.

"Wowwww. This meal was awesome!"

"You like it, eh?"

Leng Jun Yu smiled and he attentively poured Le Yao Yao a cup of tea. Then, he silently placed it in front of her.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao felt awkward. After all, their relationship was supposed to be a boss-subordinate relationship. What type of boss serves his servant?

"Servant can do it!"

"No need."

Leng Jun Yu didn't like how Le Yao Yao was referring to himself as "servant" again. So, his brows crinkled and he stated, "From now on, when you're in front of this Prince, use 'I' instead of 'servant'."


"T-that is totally unacceptable! Servant is servant!!"

"To this Prince, you're not a servant." Leng Jun Yu firmly declared.

This statement was extremely touching to Le Yao Yao. It was as if a lightning bolt had pierced through her heart.

Le Yao Yao lifted her watery eyes as she smiled at Leng Jun Yu.

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