Chapter 200: Misunderstanding

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"What? Is Prince Rui hurt? How's his injuries? Is Prince Rui at the clinic right now? I'm going to go find him!"

The moment Le Yao Yao heard this terrible news from Xing, she felt as if her brain had exploded. She couldn't process anything else.

All she knew was that she had to see him immediately!

So, it was as if Le Yao Yao's legs had a mind of their own. They began to run towards the direction of Dongfang Bai's clinic.

Her speed was comparable to the wind. Those who saw her would be flabbergasted.

Seeing this, Xing was about to clarify, "Hey! Prince Rui isn't the one who is injured! It's Miss Nian! Xiao Yao.....aiya! I have a tummy ache! I'm going to head to the toilet first."

Xing had his hands on his stomach. He decided to chase Le Yao Yao after he was done his business. After all, he could fly. He'll just rush over later. So, Xing turned a different direction and headed to the toilet.

Le Yao Yao had short legs anyway, he can't be that fast...

But Xing underestimated humans' explosive power when they're under pressure....

The moment Le Yao Yao entered the clinic, she was drenched in sweat and panting like an ox.

At this moment, she happened to see Xiao Tang passing by. Without thinking, she reached out and tightly snatched his arm. "Xiao Tang, is P-Prince Rui here?"

"Aiya! Xiao Yao Zi, please be gentle! You're hurting me!"

Le Yao Yao instantly let go and apologized, "Sorry, Xiao Tang. I'm too anxious. Please tell me whether Prince Rui is here or not."

"Yes, your Prince Rui is here in room one. Also.... Hey! I'm not done talking yet!"

Xiao Tang was yelling after Le Yao Yao, but she had already disappeared as quickly as an arrow; leaving a confused Xiao Tang.

"Why is Xiao Yao Zi freaking out so much today?"

Le Yao Yao knew room one was on the second floor of the clinic. The second floor was for patients who were in severe conditions. They were the ones who could not be shifted or moved around.

If the King of Hell was inside, then he must have been injured by the horse! Oh God! How could this happen?!

So, Le Yao Yao pushed open the carved wooden doors the moment she arrived. Initially, she thought she would see an injured King of Hell lying in bed. Unexpectedly, it was a scene that had never crossed her mind.

Le Yao Yao felt as if she was being shocked by lightning. The room was filled with a faint scent of medication, and there was a man and a woman tightly embraced together.

Nian Sulan's ankle was wrapped with gauze. Clearly, she was injured. In addition, her lovely face had tears running down all over it. She looked very pitiful.

Didn't Xing say the King of Hell was injured? But the King of Hell looks fine to me!

Why was he holding onto Nian Sulan?

Currently, Le Yao Yao felt as if a huge stone was squishing her heart. She could barely breathe.

If anyone else were to see this pair, they would definitely think they were made for each other. But to Le Yao Yao, this scene was blinding. Also, her heart was in so much pain. It was as if someone had cut it opened with a knife.

Today was her birthday...but the man she liked was holding onto another woman. Wow. How depressing...

As for the two inside the room, they were evidently surprised by Le Yao Yao's dramatic entrance. They could see Le Yao Yao panting like an ox. His hair was messy and in disarray. Initially, he was very fretful. But now, he only looked stunned. Leng Jun Yu's eyes flickered and he quickly shoved Nian Sulan away.

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