Chapter 100: Who is she?

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On the contrary, while Le Yao Yao was continuously working hard, Nangong Jun Xi was spending his time slacking off in Leng Jun Yus Study. He was either drinking tea senselessly, or walking around looking bored.

Leng Jun Yu was reading a book on military strategies and tactics, but suddenly he looked up at his junior brother.

Didnt you make a bet with Xiao Tu Zi?

Senior brother, dont worry. Im extremely confident of my abilities. Although Xiao Tu Zi is very courageous, hes still young and foolish. I do not consider him as competition! Nangong Jun Xi boasted.

Hearing this, Leng Jun Yu calmly responded, An arrogant army is bound to lose.

*cough cough* Senior brother, how could you view you junior brother this way? I may not be as intelligent as you, but Im definitely smarter than the little eunuch! I admit the little eunuch is very special and he does have some street smarts, but I have read thousands of scrolls. Do you think I would lose to a little eunuch that is only good at mouth battle?!

Leng Jun Yu only lowered and shook his head. He tried to put his focus on the book, but his mind was elsewhere.

Since Le Yao Yao and Nangong Jun Xi made a bet, Leng Jun Yu generously allowed Le Yao Yao a few days off for him to prepare.

For the past few days, the moment he closed his eyes, his mind would be filled with the cute little guy.

Leng Jun Yu thought of his smile, and how determined he was to win. In addition, he also thought of his wonderful scent

Even though he hadnt spent too much time with the little eunuch, Leng Jun Yu already knew his personality.

He enjoyed pretending to be innocent and pitiful. Also, he loved money and hated losing. He was good with reasoning and had some street smarts.He wasnt afraid of authority figures

Because he was the way he was, Leng Jun Yu couldnt help but like him. Whenever Le Yao Yao was around, he would always be pleasantly surprised.

Seeing how senior brother was focusing on his book once more, Nangong Jun Xi felt bored again. So, he went over to the wicker basket and began to take out the different scrolls of painting.

All the ink paintings were priceless. But Nangong Jun Xi only took a quick glimpse of each. He didnt find them appealing at all.

If the painters knew, they would definitely be crying on the inside.

This continued until Nangong Jun Xi randomly revealed another painting.

Originally, he thought he would react the same way. But surprisingly, Nangong Jun Xi felt like he had been shocked by lightning. His dull peach blossom eyes immediately lit up like candles. His eyes were wide, Senior brother, this picture is..

Leng Jun Yu realized Nangong Jun Xi was holding onto the painting that he had handpainted. Except

Senior brother, how come this woman doesnt have her five facial features?

In regards to Nangong Jun Xis question, Leng Jun Yu didnt respond. Instead, he reached over his long ape arms and took the painting from his junior brothers hand.

This was the first painting he had failed to complete. It was also the first painting that he didnt know how to complete.

Because he had forgotten what the woman looked like.

He could still recall that night. It was his mothers death anniversary.

Normally, he would never allow himself to get drunk. But each year on that particular night, he would allow himself to get dead drunk. That was the only way he could suppress the pain in his

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