Chapter 194: Falling off the tree

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Le Yao Yao was balancing both her legs on the thick tree branch. She took a deep breath as she used her hand to wipe off the huge sweat on her forehead. Then, she smiled at the little eunuchs below her.

"Just wait a bit longer, and I'll be able to get the kite for you!"

Then, Le Yao Yao reached her hand forward. She could see the kite in front of her, but her arms were too short. Regardless of how she tried to snatch it, she couldn't.

The only way was to shift forward a bit more. But if she fell down, she would probably break both her arms and legs.

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao was extremely frightened.

But this wasn't the time to be scared! She had already climbed up and she was sooooo close! Just a bit further and she will be able to get the kite.

So, Le Yao Yao leaned forward and finally got it!

Seeing this, all the little eunuchs began to squeal and clap.

"Wah! Big brother is so amazing! Big brother is awesome!"

"Hehe, of course!"

Le Yao Yao smiled so wide that her teeth were showing. She released the string of the kite and allowed it to slowly float down.

After Xiao Hu picked up the kite, Le Yao Yao decided it was time to climb down.

But as the saying goes, climbing up is easy while climbing down is tough. While she was climbing up, her only goal was to grab the kite. She didn't think much about anything else.

However, now that she had accomplished her task, she finally noticed how high she was from the ground. Le Yao Yao began to sweat profusely.

She was so brave! Who would've thought she would dare to climb so far up!?

Le Yao Yao was afraid but she couldn't linger on the tree any longer. The Sun was starting to set and her stomach was growling.

If she doesn't get to the cafeteria soon, there will be no food left for her! Plus, she had to serve the King of Hell too!

So, Le Yao Yao began to panic. She decided to turn around and slowly climb back down.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xiao Hu's eyes bulged and he pointed behind Le Yao Yao.

"Uh, big brother. There's a snake behind you!"

"WHAT?! A snake?!?!?!?!" Le Yao Yao yelped.

Le Yao Yao noticed a small green snake near her. She began to tremble and her hands shook as she released it from the tree branch by accident. Then, she lost balance and fell off the tree...

"Ahhhhh!" she screamed.

Le Yao Yao sounded like she was dying. Her volume was so loud that it went straight through the clouds. It shocked the birds as they flew away from fright. Even the dust from rooftops were raining down a little.

Just as Le Yao Yao thought her limbs would shatter from the fall, she ended up someone else's arms!

There was a familiar scent of was the King of Hell!?!

Le Yao Yao opened her eyes immediately and noticed Leng Jun Yu. He caught her in the nick of time.

Le Yao Yao could feel her body slowly descending onto the ground. It was no longer like falling to her death. Instead, she was landing gracefully like a swallow.

Le Yao Yao will clearly remember this moment even after many years later. She would be a mother of five but still smile blissfully when she recalled the past...

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