Chapter 98: There will be prizes!

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Actually, Le Yao Yao hadn't thought about it yet. However, she wasn't the slightest bit worried. In the 21st century, she was an expert in performance. She could recite, act, sing or dance. Nothing was a challenge to her.

Currently, she had options. What should she perform on that day?

Also, although the competition was fake, the prizes shouldn't be fake, right?!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao suddenly leaped up from her stool and shouted.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Although this talent show competition is fake, the prizes should still be real! Haha, Prince Rui is so rich, he definitely wouldn't be so cheap, right!?"

The moment she thought of prizes, it was as if Le Yao Yao had been injected with chicken blood. She quickly ran to Ya Feng Ge.

Mei and Xing happened to exit the Study. Seeing the ecstatic Le Yao Yao, their brows raised.

Xing's mouth curved into a smile as he teased Le Yao Yao.

"Xiao Yao Zi, did you find gold? Look how delighted you are."

"Haha! Xing big brother! Mei big brother! I hope you guys are well!"

Seeing Mei and Xing, Le Yao Yao enthusiastically greeted them. After all, they were older than her, so she thought her greeting was normal. However, the two secret agents were slightly stunned.

Mei quickly reverted back to his icy expression though. He didn't acknowledge or refuse the title. All he did was lightly nodded.

As for Xing, hearing Le Yao Yao sweetly called him big brother, he felt as if his heart had been poured with honey.

After all, they were secret agents. To others, they were merely Prince Rui's sacrifices. Everyone else addressed them as Xing secret agent, and Mei secret agent.

So hearing Le Yao Yao call him big brother felt very refreshing and warm. Xing's opinion of Le Yao Yao went up several degrees.

In addition, they weren't blind. They could naturally tell that this little eunuch was special to Prince Rui.

But even though Prince Rui was gradually attaching importance to this little eunuch, Mei and Xing were not jealous in any way. Because although in name they were Prince Rui's subordinates, they have been through so many life and death situations with him all these years. Ultimately, they respected Prince Rui and cared more about his happiness.

In the past, they had always felt that the Prince was too reclusive. Although he had unlimited power, status, riches, he didn't know how to smile. It was like he was emotionless.

Although personally, they didn't really understand emotions either. But their position were different. They were only secret agents. They didn't need emotions. They only needed to be loyal to the Prince.

But they also wanted Prince Rui to be happy and live like a normal person!

Finally, because of this eunuch, Prince Rui was beginning to have a human touch. And he has learnt to smile.

Hence, Mei and Xing were very happy for Prince Rui.

So they naturally would react differently towards Le Yao Yao.

Le Yao Yao was not aware of Mei and Xing's thoughts. After hearing Xing's words, she only responded with a smile, "Xing big brother, is Prince Rui inside?"


"Okay, then I'm going to enter first."

Immediately, Le Yao Yao rushed into the Study like a little sparrow.

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