Chapter 71: Your reward is.

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"Mmm. Xiao Tu Zi, you have made a great contribution. The Emperor heard your suggestions and couldn't stop praising you. He said he must heavily reward you!"

Hearing Leng Jun Yu's words, Le Yao Yao was thrilled. Xiao Mu Zi was also very excited.

"Haha! Really?! The Emperor couldn't stop praising me?" Le Yao Yao beamed.

More importantly, he wants to heavily reward her. Oh God! This time, she's going to be rich!! Muahahahahaha!

As Le Yao Yao thought about it, it was as if a huge golden mountain had appeared in front of her face. In addition, the sky was continuously raining banknotes with a value of silver

Money money money!!

In the past, she was never crazy over money. She wasn't greedy either. After all, she came from a rich background. There was nothing she lacked or felt an urge to splurge on.

But now, it was a different story. She had arrived in this unfamiliar ancient era without any real family. She doesn't know the identity of this body nor its past. Worse of all, she had to take the role of a little eunuch! She was merely a servant, and her monthly wage was so low! At this rate, she was going to live a very difficult life!

So, if she was given a huge sum of money, she wouldn't have to worry about her living expenses for the rest of her life!

By now, Le Yao Yao's eyes were sparkling like copper coins. Seeing this, the corner of Leng Jun Yu's mouth curved into a smile.

He had seen many greedy individuals throughout his life, but he had never seen such an obvious and cute one.

Initially, he had planned to heavily reward the little eunuch for his contributions. Whatever "he" wanted, "he" would have granted. After all, "he" deserved it.

But when Leng Jun Yu heard about "his" plan to save up and leave this place, he was extremely upset and irritated.

His heart felt congested; as if there was a piece of cotton stuck inside. He loathe the feeling.

Because, he didn't want "him" to leave. He wanted "him" to stay. So he must think of a way to cut off all his methods of leaving!

Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu's cold pupils narrowed; with a trace of radiant glow.

"Yes. This Prince must also heavily reward Xiao Tu Zi! Tell me, Xiao Tu Zi, what type of reward would you like?"

Originally, Le Yao Yao was planning to tell the King of Hell to reward her with some silver taels. But after thinking about it, wouldn't the King of Hell think she was extremely greedy?

Plus, deep down, everyone knows what eunuchs wanted. It was unnecessary to say it out loud. Based on the King of Hell's intelligence, he should definitely know she wants money. The only question would be, how much?

Rather than being so demanding, she might as well just let the King of Hell decide!

He was so wealthy. Surely, he wouldn't be a cheap ass, right?

Now that she had thought it over, Le Yao Yao pretended to a modest individual as she lowered her eyes. "Actually, servant has not thought about what type of reward to receive. Being able to help share the Prince's burden is already a huge blessing to servant."

Hehe. Everyone likes flattery! The King of Hell should be no exception!

Le Yao Yao was secretly delighted. Although her head was lowered and her facial expressions couldn't be seen, Prince Rui could still tell what Le Yao Yao was thinking based on her spasmodic shoulders.

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