Chapter fourty-three: rocks

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"Dad! I'm done." I smiled as I stared at the things on my basket. We were treasure hunting, dad and I.

"Okay, I'll be right there." He says as he climbs down the tree, apparently he was trying to find some things my mom hid for both of us to find.

"Mmm, let me see. Hun." I smiled as he took a look of whats inside the basket.

"Honey, these aren't on the list." He says frowning a bit as he held one of my treasures.

"I know, but I just like them." I say smiling at the treasure in his hands.

"Darling, these aren't treasures. They're rocks. A bunch of rubbish. They're, what do you call it? Ah. Useless, my dear." He says as he threw one of them.

"But Dad, why can't you see it? They're not rubbish. Nor are they useless. They signify something. Strength. Not just because they're hard or not easy to break but they signify people as well." I tried to explain to him.

"How can a trashy stone signify people, honey? Don't be ridiculous."

"Because a lot of people are treated like that, Dad. Like rubbish, or trash. Just because they're common. Just because they let people hurt them, throw them, crash them or even break them. They stay on the ground instead of hitting them back. They get ignored because they're common and hard to crack, and the sad thing is no one ever sticks around long enough to realise how beautiful they are. How unique they are from the others. And they don't deserve to be treated like that, Daddy." I tell him, trying to make him understand.

"And because of that, I think they're far more precious than gold. And its finally time to treat them like one."

My Dad stared at me and smiled.

"I'm glad that you're my daughter. Thank you for opening my eyes, little one. And I suppose you can keep them."

I stared at him, mouth wide open.

"Really Daddy?"

"Why, yes. I mean, they are worth more than treasures aren't they?"

"Yes they are, Daddy." I looped my arms around him.

"Thank you so much for seeing their worth."

"Now, we best be getting home. We still have to explain to your mother why we haven't found her favorite teacups. Remind me not to let her hide the things again, okay?" I giggled at his words.

And as we drove back home, I couldn't help but think. Am I the only one seeing their worth? I hope not.

I hope they see it too.


Thank you so much for reading and can you believe it???

Remnants has reached 2K! Thank you to everyone who reads this, I can't even tell you how grateful I am. Love you guys and thank you very much!

P.S: Little Rock, do you see how precious you are now?

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