☁ chasm ☁

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They collided like comets and bombs.

they say.

they scream.

she was heavensent;
he was the devil's pawn.

she gave others hope;
he invented grief.

It was forbidden, wherever they go.

forbidden in heaven and hell;

and also in earth, so what's the worth?

but once you've fallen hard and down;

how could you fly again, when you've learned to love the ground?

they say that love conquers all.

but this is a chasm even gravity can't defy.

and though its slowly breaking them, they still fought and tried;

hoping for some mercy from the mighty king up there in the skies;

hoping that the flames won't catch up to them, and bring them back to the darkness where he was supposed to be;

hoping that their love was enough to keep them from being just another story in all of our history.

in a story wherein she fell and he flew, wherein what they felt was utterly right but excrutiatingly wrong;

but somehow, they felt that in each others arms is where they truly belong.


Dedicated to Ate @NicAthena because Gabriella's line:

"The r - real hell is you. You are my most painful hell." killed me, stabbed me, knocked me out, ate my emotions, tortured me straight to the heart.

And it hurts just as much too. Gawd. aajshshsgeeddhe (thats alienesse for feelings that can't be described by the way.)

And this is also dedicated to @PeviLegendario bc you my friend, also killed me. Reeed, I absolutely loved your poem. Wwhssuege and the end, oh the end. It hit me too! Gawwwd. Red whyyyyy? Huehue. You nailed it, sister. I loved it to the ends of a black hole, really.

This is dedicated to the both of you because you both inspired me to write this (even tho that also means killing me with words, but thats fine. we cool. i can handle it.) Really tho. And because I adore you both to whatever ends so, imma shut up now x hahaha.

And and and I just want to say thank you to everyone whose been reading my crap. It means a big whole lot. Love you guys, to the galaxies and back.

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