Megatron's POV
"Excellent work Soundwave you brought the human along although why is she not awake?" I asked him as I stared at the unconsious girl lying on Knockout's lab table.
His face began showing the screen of what had happened. And as I see to it the girl has fainted during the whole thing.
"Awww I see now. She must not of been able to handle the truth and passed out. Humans are so weak. Knockout,"
"Yes my liege?"
"See to it that you take care of the human, oh and you must not let Starscream see her at all costs. Knowing him he'll try and use her against me. Make sure you inform me when she awakes,"
"Yes my liege," he said with a bow as Soundwave and I had walked off.
Knockout's POV
"PERFECT!" I shouted as Breakdown entered the room soaked.
"What is it Knockout? I can hear ya shouting all the way from the wash racks,"
I began pacing back and forth as I looked at the fragile human.
"I don't understand why Lord Megatron would want a human aboard the ship, and why he put me in charge of her when this is his pet?" I ranted as I grabbed my helm.
"Hey Knockout if I were you I wouldn't of said those kinda things you forget Soundwave sees and hears everything,"
"Oh who cares. I can't go drag racing with this human around. I can't show off because of her, man I'd rather even fight Autobots!"
Breakdown rose his optic ridge.
"You fighting Autobots? That's Highly Unlikely for a guy like you Knockout,"
"Breakdown are you even listening to what I'm saying? This is no time for fun and games,"
I sighed as I looked at the girl on the table.
"How am I supposed to find out if some things wrong with her? If I don't know the first thing about treating a human?"
"Knockout geeze calm down don't worry I over heard the conversation. Megatron just wants you to keep an eye out for until she wakes up the rest is his problem will you quit ranting now?"
I sighed nodding my head.
"Alright, alright fine I'll look after her until she wakes up,"
Fay's POV
The problem was I was awake, I was just too scared to open my eyes. I overheard everything but strangely that deep, dark voice is the one I mostly want to hear again. I don't understand it but there's just something about that guy that makes me get all.... Tingly inside. Should I open my eyes? Or should I keep them closed? If I keep them closed then I won't be able to hear that guys voice again but if I get them open I would have to face Breakdown and Knockout whoever they are.
"Come on human wake up already I dont want to spend anymore time with you then I already have to,"
'Sounds like Knockout's voice.... Come to think of it, it kinda sounds like that car that I thought was following me the other day' I thought as I kept them shut.
"Maybe if I shock the human that'll get her to wake up,"
Afraid that he'll actually do it I had no choice but to open my eyes, but of course I had to act like I was afraid.
"W-Where am I?" Was the first thing I asked as I sat up from the large table and looked around.
I looked to see I was in some sort of laboratory.
"Hey Knockout your best friend is awake,"
I turned to the voice to see a red giant along with a blue giant.
'THATS THE ONE THAT WAS FOLLOWING ME!' I shouted in my head freaked out.
"No need to be afraid human, my name is Knockout and this is Breakdown. Hold on for a second,"
He put his hand on what I assume is his ear.
"Lord Megatron, the human has awoken and is in perfectly good health you may come on and see her," he said in some kind of intercom as he let go of his ear.
"So.... What are y'all exactly?"
" We are called Decepticons," I heard a new voice say from the door as my eyes went wide.

Those Sweet Red Eyes (Megatron)
Fanfiction"Fay I can't tell you how much you mean to me for I haven't really understand myself what I feel. I am a ruthless, heartless Decepticon and you still respect me for who I am the question is why?" "because Megatron deep down I know you are a kind gen...