Jack looked at me like I was crazy.
"Fay are you crazy or something? What have Megatron been telling you?"
"More than enough. Jack if you care about me you would be joining our side. The Decepticons who want nothing but Peace,"
"Fay you have it backwards. The Autobots want Peace the con's are evil come on just look at them. Beaming red eyes, the way they talk or look Fay you've been played. Optimus is the good guy I can promise you he is,"
"I'm sorry Jack. But my fate lies with Lord Megatron. I guess it makes us enimies then," I say without looking at him.
"The human has made her choice. Now its best if you leave," he says as he turns around to leave.
" MEGATRON!" I shouted as a shot was fired at his shoulder.
Blue stuff began leaking out of him as he growled.
"Fay I want you to go find Knockout and stay there,"
"NOW!" He shouted as I nodded.
He set me down as I hopped off and began running.
"FAY!" Jack yelled as I heard footsteps follow behind me.
"FAY!" The sound was getting closer this time as I was roughly pinned to the wall by Jack.
"Let me go Jack," I say as I began to struggle.
"Listen to me Fay, your some called Megatron has been playing you. He wants you on his side. He's the evil one what do you think the term Decepticons mean? Evil. Cruel. Ruthless, Fay you've been captured by them for some reason and they want you on there side. This wasn't supposed to happen, you weren't suppose to know about them. I feel like its my fault Fay, I failed you and I'm sorry,"
"Jack. None of this is your fault. I was met to be with these guys. Don't blame yourself OK,"
A laugh interrupted Jack as my blood ran ice cold. Standing before me was Starscream as a sinister smile fell on his face.
"Well, well look who we have here? Megatron's pet and the Autobot's human,"
"Starscream I thought Megatron wants you to stay away from me?"
He chuckled.
"Since when do I listen to Lord Megatron?"
I was in the middle of punching Optimus's lights out when a scream erupted from the warship as I stopped myself and looked back.
"FAY!" I shouted dropping Optimus as instincts took over and I ran towards the direction of the scream.
I could feel that this human is changing me. I'm not understanding why that is, but I know from the bottom of my spark that there's something different about her. Once I reached on where the scream was I stopped running as I narrowed my eyes.
"What is going on?" I asked glaring at Starscream as he had Fay in his hands.
"I- master its not what it looks like,"
"MEGATRON!" She screamed struggling out of his grasp.
I walked toward Starscream, but of course out of his fear he through Fay as he began running away.
"FAY!" I shouted catching her before she hit the ground.
I craddled her in my arms as her eyes were closed.
I gently stroke her hair with my finger.
I awoke with the sounds of screaming from the other room.
"LORD MEGATRON PLEASE I APOLIGIZE!" I heard Starscream shout before a large dent was in the wall.
"COME NEAR MY HUMAN AGAIN AND I SWEAR I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREADS!" He shouted as another large bang was heard before it was silent.
I heard a painful groan as a door slammed shut. The door to the room opened as I quickly closed my eyes out of panic.
"Fay," Megatron said mostly to himself as he sighed in relief.
"Good. She hasn't woken up, where is that fool of a doctor? He is supposed to be watching over her," he said before the door shut again.
'"What do you think the term Decepticons mean?'" Jack's voice rang into my head.
'Could Megatron be telling me a lie? are the Decepticons evil? No that's not right.... Megatron's not evil what he did to Starscream is what he deserves right?' I question myself as I starred at the ceiling.

Those Sweet Red Eyes (Megatron)
Fanfiction"Fay I can't tell you how much you mean to me for I haven't really understand myself what I feel. I am a ruthless, heartless Decepticon and you still respect me for who I am the question is why?" "because Megatron deep down I know you are a kind gen...