It's been three months now since I've known Wheeljack, were getting closer togerher each day but Orian haven't talked to me since the day he found out.
"Hey kid," Wheeljack said once him and Bulkhead got back from the mission they were on, forcing me to stay behind.
I crossed my arms at him mad that he didn't let me go.
"What ya so mad for Sky? What did I do?"
I didn't answer as I turned away from him and began walking off.
"Jackie I think she's mad,"
"No kidding Bulkhead of course she is I'm trying to figure out why,"
I heard footsteps behind me.
"Look Sky is this about me not letting you go to the mission?"
He sighed as I yelped when I felt his arms snake around my waste. A deep blush made its way to my face as he buried his face in my neck.
"I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again. I'll take you next time you know how I don't want you to get hurt, forgive me?" He asked in an innocent voice as I sighed.
"Fine your forgiven I can't stay mad at you for long anyways,"
"That's my girl," he said smiling as he held me closer.
"Lord Megatron," Knockout's voice came from the com link.
"What?" Megatron lowly growled as he closed his eyes once more leaning into me closer.
"We found something of interest to you and maybe even Fay, come on down to the clinic,"
"do we have to Megs? I'm kinda comfortable on where I am now," I say snuggling inside his chest.
"I know baby I know. But let's go see what the mad doctor has in store for us," he said grabbing my hand and leading me towards the door.
I yawned still tired, Sky has still been showing me her past but never wants to talk about them. I'm sure this is hard for her since she loved Wheeljack. We made our way over to Knockout's lab as he smiled when he saw us.
"My the lovely couple has arrived I am here to show you a very well and my own designed robot but of course I had a little help from Breaks over there too but ta da," he said unrevealing a white sheet.
The robot was pink/ white but beautiful at the same time.
"Damn I guess I'm shutting down then it was nice knowing you Fay,"
"Hold on Sky I'm not giving up yet,"
"But look at that it says you. Its OK I'll go back to Primus and watch over Wheeljack you should take it"
"No buts,"
I sighed.
"Alright I guess,"
"Knockout this is extrodinaty beautiful. You made it within less than two days I am very impressed with you,"
"Well Energon does keep you awake at night I had Breakdown fatch me the things I need while everyone else was asleep,"
"I am very impressed Knockout very,"
"Thanks my liege, Noe Fay do you like it?"
"It looks beautiful but-"
"Great here comes the but part,"
"I can't leave Skyscraper alone,"
"Fay what the hell?"
"Fay, Skyscraper will be fine. No need to worry about her do you not want to try out the new you? I think you would look dashing in it Sky- I mean Fay,"
"Do it,"
"Yeah I think I'll go with it. Skyscraper would want that,"
"Thanks Fay,"
"Let's proceed with the operation shall we?"
"I didn't mean to make you worry about me Wheeljack. The power went out affecting the com link,"
I sighed frustrated.
"And to think I thought you were in trouble Bulkhead," I say stressed out.
"Why are you stressed Jackie?"
"Because I can't stop thinking about Skyscraper,"
"What about Skyscraper?" Ratchet asks interested in the conversation.
"Nothing doc," I snapped as I stomped back to my room.

Those Sweet Red Eyes (Megatron)
Fanfiction"Fay I can't tell you how much you mean to me for I haven't really understand myself what I feel. I am a ruthless, heartless Decepticon and you still respect me for who I am the question is why?" "because Megatron deep down I know you are a kind gen...