Chapter Twenty Four: Shut Down

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"This ones perfect for you," Knockout says smiling as he showed me a white/ black Motorcycle.
I started taking a liking to it.
"How do I get it?" I asked looking at him.
"Scan it with your optics just look at the bike and you'll see a green light coming from both of your optics,"
"Its what we call our eyes Optics,"
"oh that's pretty cool I'll try to-"
My mind went blank as I had shut down.
"FAY!" Breakdown and I shouted as we ran over to her.
I scanned her with my radar.
"strange her systems are functioning I wonder what could of caused the shut down?"
"well she is inside Skyscraper's head perhaps that has to do with something?"
"maybe I'm not so sure,"
I heard a groan as Fay sat up when she online her optics.
"what happened?"
"you shut down why was that?"
"I don't know but when I was out images kept coming to me,"
"just as I thought Skyscraper is trying to go back to her own body but with you in it she cannot but you'll have to relive her memories though after all Fay you are Skyscraper now,"
she sighed.
"Right I know," I scanned the vehicle mode as I some how transformed into it.
"woah this is awesome,"
"ain't it? now let's-"
"DECEPTICONS HAND THE AUTOBOT OVER TO US!" Optimus yelled as him and his crew were speeding along.
"uh oh Drones exterminate them Soundwave requesting emergency ground bridge now Fay let's go," I told her as a bridge opened in front of us.
Breakdown, Fay and I entered inside the bridge to be greeted by Megatron. He smiled once he recognized the motorbike to be Fay.
"enjoying your new life style?" he asked as Fay transformed back.
"indeed Megatron I find it all exciting to be honest,"
"that's great. Come now there is much we need to discuss,"
Megatron and I were walking along the ship some troupers giving us weird looks as to why an Autobot is on the ship.
"Fay I can't tell you how much you mean to me for I haven't really understand myself what I feel. I am a ruthless, heartless Decepticon and you still respect me for who I am the question is why?" he asked breaking the silence.
"Because deep down I know you are a kind gentle fellow and I like how you really only show that for me,"
"I'd do anything for you as long as you remain by my side,"
"of course I will Megatron always and forever,"
My mind starting going blank again as my optics had once again shut down.
'War was raging on Cybertron as I was shooting down decepticons'
'"who are you why are you in my body?"' I heard a voice asked as I supposedly shot down another decepticon.
"My name is Fay, Fay Suzaki,"
"a human? Why are you inside my body?"
before I had time to answer her my mind regained consciousness.
"What happened?" I asked sitting up noticing I was in a lab table.
"you've shut down again what happened this time?" Knockout responded putting his hands on his hips.
"it was war. I was battling Decepticons and Skyscraper was asking me questions,"
"Looks like its a reliving nightmare. She must be showing you the only thing she remembers before she died. You can't keep this frequent shut down Fay if this keeps up we might need to shut you down for good,"
"no don't please,"
"We'll try not to Lord Megatron Fay has awakened," he said over the com link.
A few moments later the door opened revealing Megatron.
"she's fully functional. Skyscraper keeps sending her images before she died which is causing the temporary shut down,"
"anyway to fix it?"
"creating a Decepticons from scratch. We might need to actually shut her down she won't be able to fight if she keeps collapsing,"
"Megatron had a worried look on his face.
a/n: NO SCHOOL TODAY!!!!! That's how I'm able to update this morning but if your confused I'll try to sum it up. Remember when Bumblebee was possessed by Megatron in the episode Out of his head? Yeah well the same thing is happening to Fay the images Skyscraper has is of her last moments of Cybertron and its affecting Fay and causing her to shut down because while Sky is trying to get information out of her she's also trying to go back to her own body while Fay is in power down mode hope this helps enjoy!

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