"ARCEE WHY ARE WE JUST SITTING AROUND THE CONS HAVE MY BEST FRIEND!" I shouted at her as the Autobots have done nothing to save her since her capture.
"Look Jack, your worried about your friend I get it, but if you haven't notice Jack, Megatron rides a ship it flies and we can't pin point where it is right now we have to wait till there's an opening or whenever it lands,"
I sighed at Arcee's words and rubbed my temples.
"I'm sorry Arcee, I'm just supper worried about her. Why would the cons want her? She lived a normal life and shes with Megatron. He might be impending lies on her about us,"
"Yeah that's a fact but-"
"A space bridge has just open to Cy ertron, we have a lead on where the human is," Ratchet says in a panic as I smiled.
'Finally I get to see her again I'm telling her how I really feel as soon as she gets back' I thought smiling like a goof ball.
"Ready Arcee?"
"Woah Jack, no one said your coming along,"
"But she's my best friend I have too,"
"Nope. Too dangerous maybe next time,"
"This is Cybertron," Megatron said as my eyes widened.
We were flying in the air, me being in Megatron's hatchet as I looked down below in a dark place with ruined buildings.
"The Autobots did this?" I asked disbelieve as I looked at all of the destruction that was caused.
"Yes. They can become very ruthless. To think our home world used to be a beautiful and peaceful place before the Autobots ruined it,"
"Why are they called Autobots?"
"Because they like to think of themselves as the good guys. They don't want to be responsible for there actions,"
"I can't believe Jack is with them. They are so evil and have killed countless lives,"
"Your friend has been tricked thinking there the innocent ones. They take blame that we Decepticons was responsible for all of this,"
I smiled warmingly at Megatron.
"Don't worry Megatron, knowing you there is no way you could be responsible. You sound like the type that has a beautiful..... Heart?"
A genuine laugh erupted from him.
"Its called Spark. You humans have a heart we have a spark,"
"And that's what keeps you alive?"
"LORD MEGATRON WHERE ARE YOU? THE AUTOBOTS!!! ATTACK ON THE WARSHIP!" Starscream's voice came from the intercom.
"Autobot's?" I replied shaking.
"It is OK I'll protect you Fay."
"You know my name?"
"Knockout told me it out in the hall, Soundwave bridge us back,"
In an instant a ground bridge was open as we flew through, but a hand stopped him from flying once we returned as I looked up to see a giand blue/ red mech as Megatron groaned in pain.
"Megatron," I say worried.
"Megatron release the human and give her to me," the Autobot's deep voice echoed out as he released Megatron's head as he transformed back with me tightly in his hand.
"This is what I was talking about Fay, they will stop at nothing to get what they want,"
"Fay was it? Listen to me well. Megatron has been lying to you from the very beginning. Whatever he said to you was a fake, Jack wants to see you again. Miko is worried about you. Please if you care anything for them join our side and our cause,"
I shook my head.
"You Autobots are monsters. How could you destroy Cybertron? Over what? Energon? I wouldn't go with you even if its the end of the world. I want my friends back, they belong with us. On the good side,"
I saw Megatron give an evil grin towards this guy who narrowed his eyes at him.
"Megatron what have you done?"
"Oh I just told her the truth Optimus after all you were the one who ruined peace in our lands,"
"FAY!" I heard an all too familer voice reply.
"Jack?" Optimus and I said in unison.
"Fay, thank God your alright did he hurt you?" He asked glaring daggers at him.
"No, no but listen Jack join our side. The Autobots have lied to you all along,"
"Wait what?"
"This guy has been lying to you this whole time it was he who started the war," I said pointing an accused finger at Optimus.

Those Sweet Red Eyes (Megatron)
Fanfiction"Fay I can't tell you how much you mean to me for I haven't really understand myself what I feel. I am a ruthless, heartless Decepticon and you still respect me for who I am the question is why?" "because Megatron deep down I know you are a kind gen...