Chapter Six: Making Friends

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Knockout's POV
When I walked back in the laboratory I found Breakdown and the human..... Laughing?
'The nerve of that guy he's actually making friends with a human!' I thought wide eyed.
"That was hilarious Fay," he said still laughing as I cleared my throat.
Breakdown shut up as both turned to look at me.
"Yo you gotta hear this one time Fay-"
"I do not care Breakdown what are you doing making friends with a human?"
"What.... You were gone so we decided to have a little chat, what's with you Knocks you said before it be nice to have a human around,"
"Dude like take a chill pill," the human said as I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Don't tell me what to do small fry but OK your right I shouldn't be so mean. Sorry human I'm just not used to having one around,"
She nodded.
"Names Fay,"
It was awkward for a few moments of silence.
"I was wondering if I could go out and walk around?"
"Out of the question. Most drones here doesn't know there is a-"
"To everyone that is around the warship. We have a human on board the ship, make sure you make her feel welcomed and safe or you'll answer to me," came Megatron's voice on the I intercom before it went off.
"Never mind go on ahead have Breakdown be with you. Make sure Starscream doesn't see her,"
"Why not?"
"Oh where is the human?" Starscream asks coming in the room.
Fay's POV
I started getting shivers of the bot that walked in the room. His deep red eyes was searching for me as a smile came on his lips when he found me.
"So this is the human," he said about to take a step toward me but Knockout and Breakdown both got in front of me.
"Don't think its a good idea. Lord Megatron strictly forbids you to see the human,"
He growled clenching his fists.
"Of course our liege would, he thinks I'll try and hurt the human," he says eyes flickering over to me once again.
"Knowing you Starscream you probably would,"
He looked taken back as he placed a hand on his chest looking hurt.
"Knockout I thought we were friends? How could you agree to a false statement on what Lord Megatron has been saying?"
"Because- oh that doesn't matter just go on Starscream,"
"Make me,"
"Oh are you a sparkling now? Just go,"
"No let's ask the human if she wants me to go," he says pointing at me as they stepped to the side.
"Human my name is Starscream and whatever Lord Megatron has told you was a lie do you wish for me to leave?" He asked looking straight at me.
"Ah- ummm.....-"
My explanation was safed when Megatron entered the room. He growled when he saw Starscream.
"Starscream I thought I told you not to meet up with the human?"
"I-I- master I just wanted to say hi. You did tell us to make her feel welcomed,"
"Everyone except you go on Starscream,"
He clenched his fists before releasing them. He walked out without saying another word.
"I am truly sorry about that, did he hurt you in any way possible?"
"No Lord Megatron,"
"Good come with me,"
"May I ask where?"
"Just a little trip to Cybertron. I want you to see for yourself on what the Autobots did to our home world,"
"I'm human. I won't be able to breath your atmosphere,"
"Its OK. You will not be going out,"
"Yes master,"
I climbed on to his hand as he lifted me up.
"I shall be back. Don't let things get to reckless here Knockout,"
"Yes my liege," he says bowing before we had left.

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