I watched Wheeljack as he was off in his own in battle with Decepticons surrounding him.
"Wheeljack," I said worried as I hoped he would be OK.
"My child," I heard Primus say as I turned around to face him.
"Primus, I know its been a very long time but I still love Wheeljack. I miss him day in and day out if only I can have a second Chance of life,"
"And what if I told you I can grant you that wish?"
"Primus.... That's asking for too much its my time and I cant-"
"My child, your life was cut in half by Megatron. Your supposed to live a free happy life with Wheeljack. After all you two are spark mates,"
"Primus are you sure?"
"I have never been more sure in my life," he said as a bright light blinded my vision.
"What a plesent drive that was Breaky, no Autobot scum in sight,"
"Gotta admit Knocks that was a pretty good drive and a movie too,"
Before I had time to respond a bright light was shown inside the storage room.
"What's going on?" I asked mostly myself as the light grew brighter in the door.
"Wanna go check it out?" Breakdown asked as the light died down.
"Sure why not," I responded as we both made our way to the door.
What we saw when we opened it shocked us, Skyscraper was sitting up looking as if she never died in the first place. Our optics widened.
"Knocks right? At least that's what Fay called you I need a way off this boat Wheeljack needs me," she said as our mouths were wide open.
"How- you've been dead how-"
"Primus OK now you showing me out or what?"
I finished with the last con as I panted.
"Decepticon prick," I told myself wiping energon off of my sword.
"I should of known you'd never need back up," a familer voice crossed through my audio receptor's.
I slowly turned around as I saw the one femme I love, Skyscraper. My eyes widened in shock.
"You seem surprised to see me and no I'm not Fay, its actually me. Primus gave me another chance of life to see you again,"
"But..... Is this a dream?" I asked mostly to myself as she walked towards me.
She shook her head as she wrapped her arms around me. I hesitate, not sure if this is a Decepticon trick.
"Wheeljack its me.... Hold me like you used to do back in Cybertron remember? You'd say 'I'm never letting you go',"
Decepticon scum wouldn't remember something like that so this must be the real deal for Sky. After several minutes I finally hugged her back tight like I used to back in Cybertron. It was silent and no words were being said. We remained in each others arms for several more minutes.
"Wheeljack you there?" Bulkhead's voice sounded as I almost didn't hear it for I was in to much shock that I'm holding Skyscraper.
"Yeah Bulk I'm here... What's wrong?"
"I'm picking up an Autobot signal at your coordinates,"
"Yeah Bulk and you'll never guess who it is,"
"Hey Bulk, its been a long time since I heard your voice wonder if you still remember me after all you were jealous back then," Skyscraper said letting go of me, but I only pulled her right back in my arms.
"Your not going anywhere but in my arms,"
"Skyscraper? Wheeljack is this.... Skyscraper?"
"Its the real deal too send a bridge will ya I'm sure Optimus would wanna see her,"
"Sure Jackie I will,"
I scooped Skyscraper up in my arms as a bridge opened, she laughed as her hands were on my chest.
"Jackie I can walk ya know,"
"Yeah well I enjoy holding you. I'm never letting you go again your mine,"
She smirked.
"Who said I wanted you?" She asks as her helm touched my own.
"Because I'm too irresistible for you not to want me," I say as my lips met her soft ones.
Just as I remember, this is totally not a Decepticon trick but this is my Skyscraper my original woman. As I was making my way in the bridge I never let go of her lips, her hands moved from my chest to my neck as she pulled me in closer. A cough was heard as we broke apart to see everyone starring at us.
"Skyscraper?" Optimus asked his eyes going wide.

Those Sweet Red Eyes (Megatron)
Fanfiction"Fay I can't tell you how much you mean to me for I haven't really understand myself what I feel. I am a ruthless, heartless Decepticon and you still respect me for who I am the question is why?" "because Megatron deep down I know you are a kind gen...