"You would of been dead by now if a con were to of fought you," Wheeljack said as he was on top of me.
He was sparing with me, teaching me some moves that I failed at. Its been two weeks since Wheeljack and I have met and were getting closer each day. Orian still doesn't know I'm off with him while he's at work.
"Not true I'm a great fighter,"
"Then why can't you beat me?" He asks with a smirk as our eyes locked together.
"Jackie we gotta- uhhh... Am I interrupting something?"
"No Bulk what's wrong?" He asked getting off of me.
He reached his hand out for me as I grabbed it and got up.
"We gotta mission to go on and she can't come,"
"Why not?" I whined as I pouted.
"Too dangerous going across galaxies searching for energon,"
"So what's the problem with me going?"
"Yeah Sky I agree on him with this one I don't want you getting hurt. Plus Orian might find out you've been sneaking out with me,"
I sighed.
"Fine I guess I'll stay. Come back to me will you?"
Hr smiled.
"Of course I will wreckers honor,"
I woke up with a growing helm ache. Skyscraper was showing me more images last night and I feel like she loved Wheeljack. The relationship that they have developed was so quick.
"Knocks," I said as I entered in his lab.
"Fay, how are you on this fine day? Your just on time I'm going out for a drive with Breakdown care to come with?"
"Well actually, I came here to talk to you about-" my sentence was cutt short as my lights went black.
"FAY!" I shouted as she collapsed on the ground.
"LORD MEGATRON ITS FAY QUICK!" I shouted through the com link as I placed her on the table.
I began to put life support on her as I read her readings. She seemed OK but the question is why is she shut down?
"Something seems off about you Skyscraper what's wrong?"
"Nothing I'm OK," I lied to Orian as we were at my place hanging out.
In fact I wasn't OK. I was extreamly worried about Wheeljack, its around night and he still hasn't shown up yet. He said he'll come back to me he wouldn't lie would he?
"Skyscraper," Orian said in s firm tone as I was chewing on my thumb.
"OK fine I've been seeing Wheeljack OK. Its been two weeks now and he's on a mission and he hasn't come back and I'm worried that he died or something."
Orian had a frown on his face when I looked at him.
"Your seeing him?"
"Not dating like. Orian please let me see if he's back,"
"I guess I can not stop you," he said before getting up and leaving the door.
I sighed as I probably ruined our friendship together but none of it matters right now as I ran outside to try and see if Wheeljack came back but I didn't find him in the wreckers department.
"Wheres Wheeljack?" I asked a random bot.
"Who knows they haven't come yet. What ya want little lady are you even part of this club?"
"No but I want Wheeljack. He'd say he'd come back to me,"
"I am back," I heard him say from behind me.
I gasped as I turned around to see a scratched up Wheeljack.
"WHEELJACK!" I shouted as I ran up to him and hugged him.
"Woah kid I didn't think you'd miss me that much. Sorry if I was gone for so long,"
"Its OK now your here with me," I told him hugging him tighter than I should.

Those Sweet Red Eyes (Megatron)
Fanfic"Fay I can't tell you how much you mean to me for I haven't really understand myself what I feel. I am a ruthless, heartless Decepticon and you still respect me for who I am the question is why?" "because Megatron deep down I know you are a kind gen...