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Going to work at Freddy Fazbears was slowly becoming part of your routine. You would go there early morning, work, talk with your co-workers, and go home. It depended on the day how much work actually got done. You like it there, the people made it enjoyable.

You've made friends with your co-worker, Jeremy Fitzgerald. He was the one to show you around, and you thought he was quite nice. So, he became the one you talked to most of the time. You didn't exactly have a big selection of people you could choose.

Right now, you and Jeremy were wiping down tables from a past party. Joan joined us when she got there. You haven't talked to Joan much, but Jeremy tells you she's cool. You turned to him. "I heard someone talking with Mr. Guy when I went by his office."

"Finally! We need some more help around here. I just hope they aren't a freak or something, you know?"

As soon as Jeremy replied, Mr. Guy's door swung open. A man with obviously dyed blonde hair walked out. He was wearing a purple outfit and a black jacket over top. He walked past us, not bothering to look our way. Jeremy, Joan, and you all looked at him as he left.

"Please don't tell me that guy just got a job here," Joan said. Jeremy sighed.

"Definitely a freak."

"Well, we don't know him yet. Just keep an open mind."


"Mx. (L/N), our new employee finally decided to show up." You looked at Mr. Guy. The man from last night stood beside him. His name tag said his name was Dave. He looks like a Dave. You smiled kindly at him, though he didn't seem at all happy to meet you. You guessed he was just nervous. "Mx. (L/N), this is Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller, Mx. (L/N)."

Dave extended his hand toward you, you shook it politely. "Pleasure meetin' ya! I have a feelin' we're gonna get along just fine."

"Absolutely!" At least you hope you will. You don't want to hate anyone you have to work with. That would be exhausting.

Mr. Guy heard the door open, so he peeked his head out of the room. "Looks like the next party is here. Mx. (L/N), please show Mr. Miller around while I take care of the customers."

"Of course, Mr. Guy!" You waved goodbye to him as he left Dave with you. You smiled nervously. "So, I'll show you the animatronics first. Just follow me, Mr. Miller."

"Please, call me Dave."

You walked out of the room and went to the stage. Dave followed behind you silently. "This is where the main band performs. If they ever go out of line, just take them behind the stage over there." You continued the tour walking to Kid's Cove. "This is where Toy Foxy is located. She's Jeremy's favourite, he talks about them all the time. He is programmed to hang out with the kids."

As soon as you walked into Kid's Cove, you heard an awful screeching noise. You covered your ears quickly; Dave did the same. "What the hell is going on?!" You heard Mr. Guy yell.

"I don't know! They just started screaming!"

"It must be that new facial recognition technology working." Mr. Guy realized. "Do you know who they were looking at? We need to get them to the police right away-"

"Facial recognition, ya say? My, this might just be a malfunction! Ya see, back in Texas-" Dave started to talk about his past before Mr. Guy cuts him off.

"I don't have time for this! If you say it's a malfunction, I trust you'll do what you need to do to get them to shut up!"

"On it!"

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now