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Today, Dave told you that the friends he lives with are supposed to be gone for the night. He followed that up by asking if you wanted to come over. Since you two were usually at your house, you thought this would be a change for once. You agreed, of course. So, after work, you both walked to the love bus. The name started to grow on you.

"Here ya go, darlin'," Dave let you walk into the bus first. You stepped in, him following. You looked around the inside. It was really nice. "Sorry fer the mess."

"It's fine. I like it, it's cool," You complimented. Dave scoffed. You assume he doesn't like this place.

"Well, I gotta change. These clothes are uncomfortable," He complains. You look at him, confused.

"Then how do you wear them all the time?" You ask him. Why doesn't he just wear different clothes? It's not like it's a uniform or something.

"I got used to it. Besides, they look good on me," Dave says. He goes over to a suitcase and opens it. He looks inside, pulling out a hoodie and sweatpants. You saw bright coloured clothes, so you look over.

"Can I look through your clothes?" You ask, before realizing how creepy that sounded. "I mean- not like that! Just like, I want to see what other outfits you could wear!"

Dave chuckles, before pulling clothes out of his suitcase, and putting them on the floor beside him. "Go crazy."

He gets up and walks into a different room, changing there. You sit down on the ground, looking at the small pile of clothes. It seemed like a bunch of purple and yellows, and that was about it. You couldn't find any other colours. He must really like these two.

"Woah... what's this?" You mumble while picking up a dress-like outfit. It looked like a maid outfit, but yellow with purple aspects (of course). You wondered why Dave might have this, and couldn't think of anything. It made you laugh nonetheless. "Uh... Dave? What's this?"

"What's what?" Dave asks, walking out of the room. His eyes widen when he sees what you're holding. His cheeks gained a faint blush. "Oh... I forgot I brought that with me."

"You didn't answer my question," you remind him, laughing.

"Wore it to a birthday party once, 'cause I thought it looked cool. I have many regrets, (Y/N)," Dave told you. You throw the dress at him, planning something.

"Put it on," you requested.

"Wh- what?! No!" Dave declines, nervously.

"Do it!"


"Do it!"

"Fine!" Dave finally goes back into the room with the outfit. You hear him muttering curses under his breath, which makes you laugh harder. "You better be fuckin' happy with yourself."

"Oh, I am!"

Once Dave finally comes back out, you stare at him. He looked hot. Weird, but hot. It's strange to see him in something... less professional. "There. Happy now?"

"Aw, don't be so angry. You look amazing!" You compliment him. Dave looks away, flustered. You get up from your spot on the ground and step closer to him. "It suits you, Dave."

"Thank ya, darlin'," Dave says, embarrassed. You lean forward and kiss his cheek. His blush deepened, and he looked at you. "I- I'm gonna go change!"

You laugh at him, as he speeds away. Who knew he could get this flustered? Well, you did. That's why you did it. It's entertaining.

You looked down at the pile of clothes and started to fold them. You decided it would be nice to do, considering you just rummaged through them all.

You open the suitcase to put them all back in and see multiple jars of a substance you don't recognize. There are two colours of it; pink, and yellow. You don't want to pick it up, not knowing what it is. You wonder what could be. It could be a drug or something. That's not good. Maybe a fancy drink? But that doesn't explain why it's in Dave's suitcase. You could ask him, but these don't strike you as something you want to talk about. It gives you a bad feeling. So, you decide to just put the clothes back in, and forget about it.

Dave comes back out, in the same hoodie and sweatpants he was wearing earlier. He walked over to the ladder by his bed, going up. He looked at his alarm clock and groaned.

"What? What time is it?" You ask him.

"It's eleven. We should get some rest, considerin' we have work tomorrow," He got down from the ladder.

"Yeah, I forgot about that. Where am I sleeping?" You question. You didn't know if you could sleep up there with him. It's a small space, and you want him to be comfortable.

"Get up there, (Y/N)," Dave ordered, answering your question. You got up from the ground and climbed up the ladder. You move to the back of the space, allowing room for Dave.

"Are you sure this will be comfortable?" Dave lays down beside you.

"Ya ask a lot of questions, darlin'," Dave says. "Yes, it'll be fine. I promise."

"Good. Hey, I wanted to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"So, you know how you say you live with these orphans, right?" You bring up. You haven't talked about this yet, and it's been on your mind. You just want to know why he says that.

"Uh... yeah. I do say that," Dave confirms. He seems nervous about what you'll say about the topic.

"Why do you say that? I'm sorry for asking another question, but it's just been on my mind recently. Nobody will judge you if you say you're living with friends," You tell him. Dave nods.

"Don't tell anyone, but I say it to get away with more things. It comes in handy," Dave admits. You chuckle, thinking that's funny. Well, if someone told you they live with orphans, you'd assume they're really nice. That's not really the case with Dave.

"Okay then, you liar. I could report you to the cops, Dave," You joke.

"Don't do that."

"Oh, sorry," you reply, shocked by his tone of voice. It scared you, honestly.

"Sorry, I just have a bad experience with cops," Dave apologised. "C'mere, darlin'," He pulled you into his arms, making you relax. You rested your eyes, deciding to fall asleep. You felt Dave press a kiss to your forehead. "Goodnight, (Y/N)."


Sorry that this chapter is shorter! I realized that the timeline doesn't exactly make sense in this story, so ignore it to a certain point. Y'know how I said that there would be like 6 more chapters? Yeah, I kinda lied. I won't tell you how many more there'll be, but be prepared. I'll also leave it up to you guys if you want the book to continue when I "finish" it. I can't make up my mind. Thank you so much, and have a good day/night!

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now