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Something that refuses to slip out of your mind is the fact that William had a family. Scott told you that he had a wife and kids. You know he is telling the truth now, considering you work with William's son. It still is tough to believe though.

You have no clue about this family he had. The only one you know about is Michael and of course, William. But there was a lot of blank information for the wife and kids (you assumed there were other kids based on the plural use of the word). What happened to them? Where are they now? Why is William with you and not them?

The thought that you could be a replacement for his wife crosses your mind often. Was she anything like you? If so, is that what made William attracted to you? It doesn't help to compare yourself to a woman who you have never even met before. Maybe she was completely different? You have no evidence to prove if you're wrong or right so you can think whatever you'd like.

What was William like before all his crimes? Surely there was a time before. There had to be many likable traits of him that made him fit enough to be a parent. But based on how Michael reacts to a mention of him, probably not. There is no explanation in your mind for why he was a father to children. He hates kids and he has expressed it enough for you to write a whole essay on the matter.

Is William even divorced? You really hope you aren't wrecking a family. He could have just run away (like he seems to do) and never got divorced. You would feel terrible if his wife is looking for him and you were keeping him hidden.

It's not like William is looking to reunite with his family, especially his son. He has never talked about them, which is understandable. As he said, he only talks about things he cares about. He seems content where he is. The only piece of reminder he has of his family is that necklace you've seen him throw around the house when he's angry.

The necklace doesn't have William's initials on it and he is quite secretive about it. This makes you think of the chance of it being his wife's. He couldn't possibly care about her much, considering he tosses it around, not caring if it broke.

One of the things you recall is Michael talking about his mother while out for dinner with your coworkers. He didn't say much, but it was enough to pique your interest. From what you remember, he said something about her being busy and tall, whatever that has to do with anything. He lives with her and that's all you really needed to know.

You want to give William's wife back her necklace. It hurts to see him not care about it breaking when it could have meant something to her. You know it isn't your place to give it to her or get involved, so that's why you will give it to Michael. If the plan you have formed goes correctly, you'll give the necklace to Michael, ask him to give it back to his mother, and he'll give it back. It isn't a hard task for either of you to do. The worst part of it will be the moment William realizes its absence.

William had gone to the bathroom, which is the perfect opportunity for you to take the necklace. He kept it on the table in an easily accessible place. For throwing, of course. You held it carefully in your hands then placed it in a bag. You couldn't have William finding out you took it and if you tried to carry it, he would clearly see it.

"I have to go, see you later tonight, Will!" You called out to him before leaving your house. Now you just have to hand it to Michael and it will all be okay. No more necklace dodging, no more stress about you stealing away a father and a husband, and no more questions you'll be forced to ask.


Jeremy had the day off today, which meant it was way easier for you to talk to Michael privately. You just had to make sure you knew what to say to him about the situation. You also couldn't tell him that you took the necklace from his father because that will definitely imply you saw William recently. Which you couldn't have him know about.

So you decided to pull your go to answer and lie. It has become routine for you at this point. You'll just tell him that you found it in Dave's locker and he explained who it belonged to before he left and forgot to bring it with him. It's a simple lie, but you're sure it will work. Michael has believed worse things you have told him.

"Hey, Fritz! Can we talk?" You ask your coworker. The first party booked for today doesn't begin for another hour, which gives you plenty of time to talk and then start setting up for it.

Michael closes his locker after placing something inside. The inside was still decorated with stickers of various things and a picture of Jeremy. If you remember correctly, Jeremy has a matching picture of Michael inside. Cute. "Yeah, sure. Is something wrong?"

You open your locker and pull out your bag containing the necklace. "No, no, everything's fine. Just... I want to give you this," You reveal the necklace. "Dave left it with me when he left. I figured your mom would want it back."

Michael took it into his hands gently, looking over it. You noticed a few scratches from the torture it suffered at the hands of William. "I don't know, (Y/N). I mean- she'll love that it's back, but she might think I found him. I don't want to give her false hope."

You didn't think of that. You know that Michael is actively searching for his father, which must mean his mom is too. "Oh, I understand how it may seem like that."

"Wait... could you give it to her? She wants to meet my friends, anyway. If it's no problem, that is!" Michael chuckled nervously.

You hadn't thought about meeting his mom. Well, more specifically, you hadn't thought about meeting William's wife. Especially if you're giving her back a memory of him. "I don't think I could do that, Mike..." You lowered your voice. "I'm her husband's ex. It isn't my place..."


"But, if you want me to, I can try," You tell him. It's not like you have to say anything to her about William. You just have to give the necklace back, explain where you found it, then leave. It shouldn't be too hard.

Michael smiled at my sudden agreement. "Great! Tell me when you're free one day and we can meet then. Thank you, (Y/N)!" He starts to head to the party room.

"No problem!" You say. This won't be too bad, you're just meeting your boyfriend's wife. Wife? Ex-wife? You have no idea. Everything will be just fine, right?


I'm scared for the day I log into this account and call this cringe. I know it will happen, but let's hope it won't be soon, okay?

Okay, so I'm sorry this chapter is boring, but I've been wanting to get this interaction and chapter out for so long. It was killing me. I am close to reaching 500 followers (thank you for that) after being stuck at 430 for a while. So, for that, I have been thinking about publishing a special chapter in this book. IT WON'T BE PART OF THE ACTUAL PLOT!! It will be a way the book could have gone, yes, but not how it will go. Thank you all so much, and have a good day/night!

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now