47 (bonus)

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Well, yall can thank aftonsbf for this. Because he finally read the last chapter (he's a little whiny baby) he wants two more chapters. So thats what yall will get.

Forgive me pls I haven't written for William since like October so I'm struggling a little bit. If he's more ooc than he already is, I apologize for that mb and im not reading blueycapsules again just for two chapters 😭😭 so details WILL be wrong 💀

These two next chapters are basically just oneshots cause I'm ignoring everything that happened already 😭😭 that story is complete just let me work on this 🙏

PLEASE OMG these aren't serious and I'm embarrassed to be writing for him again 😔😔


When it snows in Hurricane, usually you hide yourself inside in the warmth of your own home. It gets too chilly to be out and about in winter. But today was a nicer day, and it was actually sunny out.

William woke up in a good mood and you both had nothing to do, so you figured you would go out today for a walk. Who knows when you'll get the chance again with the changing weather patterns? So, you better take the opportunity now.

Thankfully, both you and William have heavier jackets for the rare occasion you do have to leave your house in winter. Finding them wasn't hard, as you keep them on a coat rack by the door. You threw William his while getting your own on.

"Have you ever been skating before?" You ask him. He thinks for a second, before finding a memory of it.

"At the orphanage, yeah," He ties up the laces on his boots. "Knocked a tooth out falling. Vinny still teases me 'bout that to this day."

You chuckle at his story. "I would too if I were him." You tug on your gloves, handing William his. He picked them out in a nice violet colour, makes it harder to lose thats for sure.

As you opened the door you survey the ground for ice, not seeing any visible. You walked carefully, anyway, not wanting to get hurt before even getting out from your house.

"Its freezing out, my god," you complain as the wind hits your face. You turn around to William, seeing that he hasn't even done up his coat. He looked warmer than you did in the weather. You definitely want to know his secrets. "You're going to get sick, just letting you know."

"I'll be fine, just letting you know," William mocked. You roll your eyes and continue walking down the sidewalk with him at your side.

"Did you hear that Freddy's is getting shut down again? I saw it on television last night. Serves them right for excluding me." William mutters the last part.

Thinking about your time at Freddy's isn't a fun time for you, but knowing that action is being taken makes it a bit better, you suppose. "Yeah I heard. The buildings in the process of being demolished, I saw it the other day on the way to work."

"Well, that location didn't last long."

"Longer than your location." You remind him.

"That was a different situation entirely, (Y/N). Someone very dear to me died there," William says in a fake sweet tone of voice, letting you know what he really felt.

You scoff at his words, but don't retaliate. There's no real use as it won't fix anything. "Anyway, what do you want for dinner tonight? Anything special?"

"Hm... what was that place you brought home that one night with Fitzgerald here? That was delicious."

You chuckled before answering, "McDonald's."

William stops walking, his face stricken with shock. "No... are you serious?! Theres no way that food could possibly come from that wretched excuse of a restaurant..."

"Dead serious. It wasn't even that good, I dont know why you liked it so much." He continued to stay in place, still thinking. "Its not that big of a deal, dude. You liked McDonald's one time, so what?"

"What did they put in the meal?! Theres got to be some sort of drug..."

Getting bored of his crisis, you reach down to the snow on the side of the sidewalk. You scoop some into your hands, shaping it into a ball. You wind up before accidentally throwing it directly into William's face.

"WHAT- hey!" He shouts, wiping off the snow from his face.

You chuckle. "Shit, Will, I didn't mean to hit your face." You laugh more as he stomps over to a large snow pile a snow blower had made, looking more pathetic than usual. He grabs a ball of snow, making you almost fear the same fate he received.

"Fuck you!" He throws the snowball he made in your direction, but it lands about 5 feet short of you. This causes you to burst out laughing at his failed attempt to retaliate.

Embarrassed, William walks back to you, almost shuffling his feet. "Its not that funny," he mutters, right before he slips on a patch of ice you avoided earlier. His leg flys into the air as he falls back on his ass. He lets out a low grunt of pain, not getting up from the snow covered sidewalk.

You continue to roar with laughter, doubling over, holding your stomach. "Holy shit- are you okay?" You say between gasps of breath that you lost by the fit of laughter you're having.

"Obviously not!" With that, you reach a hand down, offering to pull him back up. He takes it and you help him up.

"Be careful, another fall like that and you could break your hip," you tease him.

"Go to hell, (Y/N)."


Okay finally chapter 1 of the bonus chapters are done 😭 I didn't promise anything good, so you cant complain 😡 and im sorry its shorter but im not putting too much effort in here, as you can tell with the numerous grammar and spelling mistakes 😭

Now im going to try to get to bed because its 3:30 on a monday morning 😔

Thank you and have a good day/night!

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now