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One thing you hadn't considered when taking the night shift was that you couldn't work days anymore. That means you don't get to see Michael or Mr. Guy for the entire day, maybe only seeing them in passing. If you didn't already regret your decision, you definitely are now.

The only good thing about this is being able to sleep in and then spend the day with William. He'll be happy about that, considering he asked you to stay home already. You decided not to tell him about the change at work, which made working complicated. When you leave for your shift, you will have to lie about where you're going and why (if he asks). That could be a hassle, but it will be worth it. You can't have him holding you back from protecting Jeremy.

Finding things to do with William isn't necessarily hard. It is hard to get him to agree to things, though. Usually he gives in, but it takes a while to convince him. Like what you have him doing now.

You got William to agree on giving him a makeover. Not that he needs one, of course, this is just for fun. He hated the idea of make-up on himself, so you decided on sticking with the basics. Nothing too fancy with a hair wash and painting his nails.

"Okay, Will, just lean your head back," you tell him. The chair he's sat in is placed against the sink counter, making it much, much easier for you to wash his hair. Thankfully, the chair allowed him to lean back so you can use your sink head for the job. You could have avoided this trouble by using the shower, but you needed something to do for the day, right?

"I don't see the point in this... erm, makeover shit. I can just take a shower if that's what you want me to do," William states. He doesn't seem onboard, but he's leaning back, so thats a positive.

You turn on the sinks water, waiting for it to warm up. "There's not a point. It's for fun, okay? Just relax. Once it actually starts, you'll love it." William scoffs at your words, clearly not believing them. You pull the detachable sink head forward. "Ready?"


You run the water over William's greasy hair, holding it up. He seems uncomfortable at first, but as you continue to run your fingers through his hair to wash it thoroughly, he calms down. He even lets himself close his eyes, just enjoying the moment. You've only seen him be this relax when he's sleeping.

"Is the temperature okay?" You ask softly, not wanting to interrupt his relaxation. He nods, giving clarification that it was fine. You reach over William's head to get the bottle of shampoo. "You're not asleep, are you?"

"Not yet..." He answers, honestly. You squeeze a small amount of the shampoo into your hand, and place your hands together. Placing your hands on his scalp, you begin to rub it in, massaging his head. "But this is certainly making it difficult to stay awake."

Smiling, you continue your massage of Williams scalp, coating it with the shampoo. "How much sleep did you get last night? I heard you get up and walk around for a while." You don't want him to be asleep during the makeover, so you talk to him. This will help him stay alert, at least.

"I don't need sleep," He answers, quickly.

"Definitely. That's why you're falling asleep while your hair is getting washed?" You question, sarcastically.

You begin to rinse out the shampoo layer you put in, making William sink back into the chair. You're glad he's being good with this and not freaking out about god knows what. At least he doesn't react like (C/N) does to water. They scratch and bite until you are done with the task of bathing them. William gave up with bathing the cat the first time he tried, but he did try. That's a step forward.

You start to begin rubbing conditioner through William's hair. The change was already there when you felt his hair. Cleaner and smoother. "I forgot to tell you- I have to go tonight."

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now