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Someone talking on the phone looks like this


Everyday you sit on the chair in Mr. Guy's office, you're one hundred percent sure it's going to collapse on you. It's creaks are more frequent than ever, so the day it breaks, you hope someone is here to see. Even though it will hurt, for you at least, someone has to get a laugh out of it. Besides, you only use it for lunch, it should be fine until Christmas. It's already November, right? Not that long. You just have to get through a few more holidays, then you're onto '88. Great.

There's a few things you look forward to next year, like hanging out with Michael, Jeremy, and Mr. Guy more. You don't want to let them go anytime soon. Along with that, you want to see how your relationship with William progresses. If it does, that is.

Mr. Guy puts the food container we had just emptied back in his bag. "That was delicious. Thank you, Mr. Guy."

"Oh, I'm glad you liked it! It happens to be my mothers recipe that I decided to try out-" Mr. Guy's story got cut short by the phone ringing. He reached for it, signalling for you to be quiet for a second. Not like you were talking, anyway. "Hel-" Mr. Guy once again gets cut off.

You try listening into the conversation, but it's still hard to hear the words spoken by the voice. The voice sounds familiar to you, but you couldn't be sure. So, you stay out of it.

Until Mr. Guy's face drops. "What is it?" You whisper to him. He stays still, not telling you anything. He just listens.

"It's, uh... for you..." Mr. Guy hands you the phone hesitantly, before getting up from his chair and leaving the office. What the hell?

"Hello?" You say to the person on the other line.

"Er- howdy, darlin'! How ya been?" You can understand why Mr. Guy was so shocked now. Why in the world world would he be calling right now? Didn't you both agree no contact while you're at work?

Oh god, this is bad. Mr. Guy is going to ask questions about this. He's going to ask about Dave and everything. This isn't good. But, as long as you can lie your way out of this situation, you should be fine.

"Drop it, William. He's gone," You inform him. You'd much rather listen to his British accent than the irritating southern one.

He takes a second to respond, most likely thinking of what to say. "Can you come home?" Did your nightmare about him setting the house on fire come true? It better not have.

Is William hurt? Well, he can't die. You shouldn't worry. "Did something happen? I swear to god, if I come home to a pile of ashes, you're dead, Afton." Wrong choice of words.

You hear glass clanging and somehow you already know where this is heading. William has brought up the idea of immortality and you being by his side forever. Maybe, you'd like that. But you aren't sure if you'd love it. Wouldn't he get boring? You also don't want to watch everyone you love die, only being with him forever. What if the Earth exploded? Would you and William just be floating in space in eternal suffering? What if you get chopped up into pieces and put into a meat grinder? How would you be alive after that? You should stop thinking about this. "Nothin' happened! Question: are you comfortable with needles?"

"You are not putting that freaky shit inside of me! Stop bringing it up!" You try to keep your voice down, knowing that your manager could be right outside the door.

William groans at your answer. "Fine, fine. I'll try another day."

And with that he hangs up. That was pointless.

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now