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When children host their birthday parties here at Freddy's, you can't help but feel jealous. All of them get to celebrate with their friends and family, while you have to supervise. That's not fair. Until you realize that you get paid to watch these stupid kids have fun. You weren't a parent who had to be with them 24/7 and spend money on them. Thank god for that.

Besides, sometimes these kids were fun. It was more the parents you had to worry about. Someone has to tell those people to control their shit around the kids. You can't count how many times a parent has blown up in your face (not literally, though it would be funny) over a simple miscommunication. Understanding people is a hard task these days.

The party happening now was going smoothly. It was a little girl with a few of her school friends, her family, and her father. The father didn't seem to be engaging much in the kid's party. He just sat on the sidelines by you and Jeremy. The kids seemed to have it all under control, except for a few wrappers that had to be opened with help from one of the adults. They seem to be completely captivated by the animatronics playing their silly music.

You weren't focussing on your surroundings before you heard a chair inching closer to yours. You look to your side and see the father. His chair was considerably closer to yours than it was before. He looked over at you as you maintained eye contact with him. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, sir!" You replied, keeping up a friendly customer service smile. Even if what you told him was a lie, he seemed satisfied with your answer. "What about you?"

"I'm doing fine, sweetheart." You try to not think about his use of the term of endearment when he is in no place to use it. It surely means nothing, like how an elder can be thankful for your help and call you something nice. "Have any kids of your own?"

You were confused by his question, even though it was normal to ask when you work at a children-centred establishment. It's not the first or last time you're hearing it. "Haha, no. I've never really thought about it."

That seemed to quiet him for a while, but of course, he wouldn't leave you alone. "Are you single?"

You were already very close to leaving your spot and this wasn't helping at all. You could leave, though you're afraid it would look bad for the company and you could get potentially fired. You're positive Mr. Guy wouldn't fire you, but you don't feel like getting a complaint from this idiot.

As you were about to reply to the father with a no, you got reminded of the young man beside you. Jeremy would freak out if he knew you were dating someone. Then he would try desperately to know who it was, even if it meant stalking you to find out (you're almost certain he did when you and Dave were around here). If he did find out who he was, then you would have another problem with keeping his mouth shut about William. It would be a huge risk. One that you aren't willing to take, even to protect yourself.

"...Yes," you finally answered. The man's eyes widened at your words.

"How? You're so attractive!" You scoffed at him. His compliments meant absolutely nothing to you. You watched as Jeremy got up from his spot, being called over by a couple of kids. They most likely needed a snack opened for them. You wished they called you over instead, because you were aware the father was leaning over to you. He got closer to your ear and you backed away as much as you could without it seeming completely rude. "I guess you won't have any problems if I ask you on a date then, huh darling?"

That was your breaking point. The word made you remember someone you wanted to leave behind. "Don't call me that," You disregard your fear of getting a complaint and get up from your chair, before being pulled right back down by a hand on your arm. The hand had a tight grip, refusing to let you free from his grasp. You glance at the man while trying not to show any of the fear or pain you were feeling. "Sir-"

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now