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When you awoke, you got a painful reminder of what happened last night. Dave returned. You would've liked that about two weeks ago. But, he had to come back right when you were getting over him. 

You wish he didn't come back. You still had no answers, and you clearly aren't going to get them from him. It won't be like it used to be, so what's the point in him coming back?

Does he assume you'll forgive him that easily? With him coming back and giving you affection? That doesn't excuse the time he was missing, or the yelling, or the tears you had spilled for this man. You want him to know that, but you're sure he doesn't want that to be brought up. He just wants to move on like nothing happened. You want to understand how he can do that.

"(Y/N)!" Dave yelled out. You groaned, getting out of your bed. You went to the kitchen, hearing things being thrown around. "Where'd ya put the tea?"

"I, uh..." You begin, before realize you don't have it. You threw it away in a fit of anger after the fight. You didn't want it in your house anymore. "I don't have it."

"What? I need it!" Dave said, impatiently. "Where'd it go?"

"I threw it out! I didn't want it, and you didn't take it when you left, so I threw it out."

Dave let out a sigh, disappointed about his tea. He went past you and sat on the couch. You could tell he was thinking about something. You had no clue what, and that frightened you.

"Can we go somewhere today? I wanna spend time with ya. Y'know, to make up for the time lost." Dave asked. You stare at him, trying to figure out his plan.

"Where do you want to go?" You assume he wants to get tea, but you could get tea from multiple places. Does he want to go to a restaurant or just to the store? Lots of questions, but these you'll actually get answers to.

"I heard there's this new place in town. Could we go there?" Dave brings up the restaurant you went to with Joan and Jeremy a few weeks back. You like that place, so you actually think about Daves's suggestion.

You don't really want to talk to him, but you could get some food to eat. You can't turn that down, even if Dave would be there.

"Fine. We can go. Get ready," You tell him. Dave jumps off the couch, excited.

"Yes! Thank ya, (Y/N)!" Dave wrapped his arms around you once again. You stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do with your arms. You're already starting to regret this.


You got to the restaurant after a short drive. Dave hopped out of the passenger seat and went to the entrance. You followed him, wondering why he was so hyper. Was he always like this? You never noticed.

You walked through the door after Dave. He sat at a table, and you sat across from him. He ordered tea, but you weren't really paying attention. You were lost in thought. Dave stared at you, trying to understand where your mind was at.

"Dar- I mean, (Y/N), is somethin' wrong?" He asked you. You directed your attention back to him. He had a look of concern on his face.

"Why'd you come back?" You speak, quietly. You want to keep your cool, and not raise your voice.

"I thought the answer was quite obvious; 'cause I missed ya!" Dave answered, oblivious about your emotions.

"Bullshit! You want something! You don't come back after a month just because you miss someone! I wanted my life to continue without you because you didn't want to be here for me. I loved you, and you left! There's no fucking way you came back for me!" You tried hard to keep your voice down, but it eventually got louder.

"Okay, fine! I came back for you, and I didn't want to stay outside all the time. Sorry that I don't want to be fockin' homeless!" Dave yells.

"Well, you should have said that! Jeez," You calmed down and sipped the glass of water you ordered. You rested your hand on the table, waiting for him to reply. The silence was awkward. You needed someone to say something.

Dave reached his hand out and placed it on yours. You pull your hand away, not wanting him to touch you. He frowned and got up from his seat. "I'll, uh, be back."

Dave walked in the direction of the bathroom. You decide to leave the restaurant. You don't want to stick around him anymore. You pay for you and Dave's drinks, before going out to the parking lot. You then stand outside, thinking.

Why does everything have to be different? Why can't you move on without him? Why did he even have to be in your life in the first place? You could've been perfectly fine without Dave and his secrets.

The door opened back up, and you see Dave rushing out and looking around. Tears start to fall down your cheeks as he sees you. He gets closer to you and you hide your face. You don't want him to know that you're crying.

"Why'd ya go- oh, darlin'..." Dave notices your tears. "I'm sorry..." He apologizes again.

"No, it's fine. I know you're trying to connect again, but it's tough, y'know?" You say, wiping your eyes. Dave nods, understanding your words. "I don't know what I want. I'm confused, Dave."

He steps closer to you, taking your hand in his. You allow Dave to pull you closer. "You can take your time, we don't have to go back to normal so soon. I promise ya I won't be leavin'. I'll stay by your side for however long ya want me to."

You smile as Dave reaches his hand up and wipes your tears away. "Thank you."

"Of course, my love."

""My love"? That's new," you comment on the name.

Dave's face turns a faint pink. "Hm, yeah. It suits you."


Sorry that these chapters have been shorter than usual. That three day break affected me, I guess. Since the Dave interactions have stopped in comic, I'm kinda pulling stuff out of my ass, so I hope that's okay for you all. I really hope you've been doing well! Thank you so much, and have a good day/night!

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now