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Thankfully, Mr. Guy told you about the employee bonding convention in advance. You weren't left in the dark until the last minute this time. He also didn't make the mistake of putting a poster in the parts and service room.

When you told William, he definitely wasn't happy. He whined and complained about how he'll be so lonely. You had to clarify that the trip would only be a few days. Still, that was too much for him to handle. He tried to make you stay, but you had to go. It was mandatory.

You and your friends were huddled in Mr. Guy's office, talking about how the trip should go. Joan was coming with us this time. You were confused why. She could just not come, and relax for a few days. "You sure you don't want to stay home? It's really not all that exciting," You tell Joan. She looked at you like you were completely out of your mind.

"Are you kidding?! After you guys got sloshed without me last time?! You couldn't pay me not to go!" Joan exclaimed. You remember most of the last bonding convention, and you don't think it was as exciting as she says. It was fun, but not to that extent.

"You did what?" Fritz speaks up. You chuckle at his confusion.

Mr. Guy looks over at him. "She's kidding, haha-"

"Hell yeah we did! You should've seen Mr. Guy, he was-" Jeremy starts, before Mr. Guy cuts him off, saying we should get going. Jeremy shrugs and continues telling his stories. "And (Y/N) was there, too! They and Dave were together the entire night! It was crazy! They got so mad at me for pulling a prank on him!"

You listen in, before saying your side of the story. "Jeremy, you almost got him arrested! No wonder I was mad."

"It was still funny, though. Worked, too!" Jeremy tells Fritz. You see Fritz listening to every word he says. You don't know how he can put up with Jeremy the entire day. But hey, Jeremy probably said the same thing about you and Dave.

You walk out the doors with the group, seeing the all too familiar blue bus. You climb on board and look around. You notice many people from the last trip sitting in the occupied seats. Jeremy and Fritz immediately take a pair of seats, then Mr. Guy and Joan. Looking around for an empty seat, you can't find one in the back of the bus. So, you look in the front.

"Mx. (L/N), are you going to sit down?" A voice interrupts your search. You recognize it as Chauncey Bohner-Focker. You look at him, before realizing he has an empty seat beside him.

"Yeah," you say, sliding into the seat. Chauncey rolls his eyes, clearly not wanting you to sit with him. You didn't take offense to that. You know he's like that with mostly everyone. "I think we got off on the wrong foot-"

"I don't believe we did." Chauncey shuts down your sentence.

"Uh... well, I'm (Y/N)," You reach out a hand for him to shake. He looks down at it, contemplating his options.

Chauncey shakes your hand, reluctantly. "Chauncey." He introduces himself. You smile, finally getting somewhere with him.


During the entire bus ride, you decided to tell Chauncey random stories you've heard. He listened, sometimes adding comments or opinions. You've learned he isn't all that bad. He's nice to talk to, actually.

Once you got off the bus, you were greeted by the shore of the Great Salt Lake. You heard your group talking about the south pacific earlier, so you assume this is a shock for them.

"This is not the south pacific," Joan states behind you.

"Keen eye." Chauncey replies.

As our group progresses closer to the boat, a woman with red hair approached us holding life jackets. "It beats the ferry any day! Here ya go - enjoy your stay!" She says. Chauncey groans at her presence.

"What's wrong? She seems nice," You ask him.

"Cassandra's fine. She just never gets anything done," Chauncey tells you.

"Oh, I understand how that is. Sometimes I have to remind Jeremy to get back to work and it frustrates me, I suppose." You tell him.

Cassandra comes over to you next and hands you a life jacket. "Here ya go, hun."

"Thank you."

Eventually leaving Chauncey's side, you join your group. You have a feeling this trip won't be all that bad.


After the half-day of activities, you were exhausted. You knew there was still tomorrow for all the other stuff. You don't know how you'll be able to get much sleep for it, though. Mr. Guy's snoring was quite loud. You have also gotten used to William sleeping beside you, so him not being here made you feel alone.

You look in your bag, stuffing all your clothes back in. You took them out while trying to find a hoodie you packed for yourself. It's cold at night here, and this one blanket wasn't helping. You give up looking for it. Instead, you find a rabbit plush. You were confused about how it got in your bag, so you picked it up to inspect it. If it's someone else's, you should give it back.

You look at the back of the rabbit plush and see a note pinned to it.

"In case you miss me -William." The note read. You smiled at the plush. You'll have to thank him when you get back.

You crumpled up the note, and threw it back into your bag. It wouldn't be wise of you to let anyone find it. Especially Jeremy. He'll tell Fritz, and you can't have that happening. You're still suspicious of him, no matter how much time you spend around him.

"Tomorrow's gonna be wicked! Water slides, jetskis..." Jeremy interrupts the silence. Well, the silence that Mr. Guy's snores weren't providing.

"Sunbathing, martinis..." Joan lists off the things she's excited about. You attempt to think of something else to look forward to, but just come up with leaving. Maybe you miss William a bit more than intended.

You clutch the rabbit plush in your arms, resting your eyes. If you can look forward to anything on this trip, it better be getting some sleep. You need it.


I'm so sorry for the wait! I was having some school and parental issues that had to be dealt with in my mind. Like, how the hell did I get a 47% on a test I thought I did great on. I'm blaming Dave Miller. But anyway, this chapter is kinda short, and I'm sorry we're just jumping from thing to thing. I needed somewhere to start, I guess. But, thank you, and have a good day/night!

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