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Today is the day Dave's replacement comes in. You're nervous to meet them. How could you not be? You really hope they aren't like Dave. You don't think you could live with that.

You walked over to the stage, seeing Jeremy with a new person you don't recognize. You could only assume that they're the new employee. "Hey, Jeremy!" You called out. The two of them turned around to look at you.

"Oh, this is (Y/N)! They'll be working with us on the dayshift. (Y/N), this is Fritz!" Jeremy introduced you to the new employee. You reached your hand out to him for him to shake. He shook it, smiling. You made sure to smile back, being polite.

"Nice to meet you, Fritz!" You turned to Jeremy, seeing that his face was quite pink. You decided not to question it, thinking it's just warm in here.

"You too, (Y/N)," Fritz said, shyly. You watched as he turned to the animatronic you knew as Sparky. There are a lot of memories you have of that day we stole him. He was still scared of you. You can't take offense to that. You did hit him in the head with a pipe.

"Who's that?" Fritz asked.

"That's Sparky. Don't expect much from him. I don't want to explain the whole story, so we'll just say he... isn't from around here," You answered.

"Oh... good to know..." He replied.

"Well, you two have fun on your tour. Talk to you later!" You walk away from the two. Fritz seems nice. He'll make a good addition to the place. You can only hope Jeremy doesn't tell him too much about Dave or yourself. You don't need him knowing that.


When you arrived home after work, you wanted to just stay in bed the whole night. If you have the chance, why not take it? Especially when you don't work tomorrow. You can stay in bed longer, with nobody to bother you. Or so you thought.

You jumped onto the bed, crawling under your favourite blanket, and curled up with a pillow. You had been sleeping with one clutched to your chest recently, it felt more comfortable than without it. Just as you were closing your eyes to get some much needed rest (you'll have to thank Mr. Guy again), you hear a loud banging on your door. It alarmed you, and you got out of your bed, cautiously.

The loud banging once again sounded through your house as you got closer to the door. You wrapped your hand around a stick you had picked up on your way home. You decided to use this as a weapon, not knowing if you needed one or not. You unlocked the door and put your hand on the doorknob, turning it.

All of a sudden, arms wrapped themselves around you. You dropped the stick, frightened by the action. You looked down and saw a mix of brown and blonde hair. "I'm so sorry I left. I missed you," The person's voice was muffled from the hug. It didn't take a genius to know who it was.

You panicked and pushed him off of you, closing the door. Just as you thought, it was Dave. He looked rough. His hair was a mess, and his skin was dirty. He clearly hadn't been taking good care of himself.

You were too shocked to say anything to him. He disappears for almost a month, then shows up out of nowhere? It seems odd.

"I said, I'm sorry that I left," Dave reminded you. He wanted you to speak to him, though you had no kind things to say to him.

"What the HELL?!" You yelled at him. He seemed surprised by your reaction. He definitely thought you were going to wrap him into your arms and smother him with kisses. Well, he thought very wrong.

"I know you might be upset-"

"No, Dave! There's no MIGHT be upset! You left me, you left Vincent and Scott, you left Mr. Guy. You left everybody who gave a shit about you, with no warning, or knowledge of where you went. I was so worried about you! I just wanted some sign that you were okay. I thought it was my fault! I don't think you know how that feels!" You told him, raising your voice. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes. Dave stared at you, trying to find something to say.

"You're right, I don't know how that feels. And I wish you didn't have to know, either. I'm sorry I didn't come back earlier. I just had to... think for a while."

"Yeah, well, that thinking cost you your job, and lots of relationships," Tears fell finally. "Including ours..." You mumbled, quietly. But Dave heard.

"What...? No, no, (Y/N), please! I don't want our relationship to fall apart just because of this. I care so much for ya, and I don't want to throw it all away." Dave replied. You stare at him, making sure he's genuine about his words. You could tell he was. Why does he have to make everything complicated?

"I wish you thought of that when you left."

"Well, I'm sorry. My mind was on something completely different," Dave told you, hinting at the fight. You rolled your eyes, not wanting to talk about that again.

"Where have you been staying?" You ask him. You hope he wasn't sleeping on a park bench or something like that.

"I found places, don't worry, darlin'."

"No. Don't call me that anymore," You say, sternly. He frowns, before sitting on the counters in your kitchen. You go to your fridge and pull out the milk. You remember Dave saying he liked drinking it. "You want some?"

"Sure," Dave agrees. You grab a glass and fill it. You hand it to him, and he takes it. You start to go and put the milk away before you felt your arm getting tugged back. Dave stared into your eyes, just admiring them. "I forgot how pretty yer eyes are."

"You aren't going to fix this with simple compliments, Dave. Let me go," You demanded. He did as you said, and got off your counter.

"I'll sleep on the couch."

"What? Who said I'm letting you stay?" You ask him, not remembering agreeing to that.

"Are ya gonna kick me to the streets?" Dave questioned. You stare at him, before shaking your head.

"Fine whatever. Take the couch, I don't give a shit."

You watch as he got himself as comfortable as he could on the couch, before heading to your room, not bothering to say goodnight. Why did he have to show back up right when things started to get better?

You lay down on your bed, staring at your ceiling. You wiped away a few tears left on your face. What did Dave even want? Why did he come back? Is he genuine about missing you, just like you missed him? You hope so.


So, I made two chapters. I hope that Dave coming back this early is okay. It's kind of hard to write a Dave X Reader without him. I promise there will be some okay shit coming up. Thank you so much. I hope to get another chapter out tomorrow. Sorry there's no like schedule. I'm terrible at following those. Thank you, and have a good day/night!

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now